Word leaking out that Doug is staying... | Page 13 | Syracusefan.com

Word leaking out that Doug is staying...

Wow, I hope not. NFL is one thing, another college program would change my percetion of him alot.
To me if he interviewed at Wisconsin and the NFL it truly shows me he wants to be anywhere but here. That being said I still want him at SU
I don't know. It was rumored. Back when it was rumored, I thought it was bullshit. And I said as much to someone who casually speaks with the Marrones. My second hand source said he DID interview, in Wisconsin, I believe. My source heard it directly from someone who would know.

My source is not a big football fan and they could certainly have misinterpreted, but I don't think so.

is this true?
There's a lot of blame to go around for everyone involved in the SU football program. If you care about the program, try to go, if you have extra money donate, when the kids come running out of the tunnel don't be outside of the Dome so all they see is silver.
Great comments Bob-very simple and cuts to the core. Marrone is front and center at the run out onto the field and I'm sure is disgusted at the venue as he has the right to be. I'm digusted with it for God's sake.
I was going to toss my hat in the ring as well, but the part about "who will do a great job at SU" kinda leaves me standing. I can cheer and celebrate athletic prowess, but my x's & o's would look more like hieroglyphs.
What in the hell does that have to do with anything?

I'm not saying Marrone should be fired. I...HOPE...MARRONE...STAYS. Is that clear enough? But for the sake of the program, its players, its coaches and its recruits, SU needs to be proactive so they may move as fast as possible if he does leave.

Why is it ok for Marrone to look for a NFL job...but its "disrespectful" if the University practively searches for his replacement? Marrone is doing what is right for himself. Why is it wrong for the University to do the same?

Uh, how do you they aren't working contingencies. Do you really think they are just sitting back and waiting to see what happens? They are almost certaintly contacting candidates reps just like NFL reps were contacting Marrone's before those jobs opened up.

If Gross isn't doing that, he should be fired.
seeing that @jailedspongebob has no followers, i assume orange&blue = @jailedspongebob

Funny how crap like that gets tweeted less than 2 minutes after it's posted here.
Funny how crap like that gets tweeted less than 2 minutes after it's posted here.
Sorry, just a lapse in judgement out of frustration over this whole situation ...really didn't think anyone would take it seriously.
Sorry, just a lapse in judgement out of frustration over this whole situation ...really didn't think anyone would take it seriously.

Anyone who does a twitter search on Marrone will see your tweet. Including recruits.

If it's on the internet, it must be true.
Uh, how do you they aren't working contingencies. Do you really think they are just sitting back and waiting to see what happens? They are almost certaintly contacting candidates reps just like NFL reps were contacting Marrone's before those jobs opened up.

If Gross isn't doing that, he should be fired.

I don't know if they are or aren't. TGD has been quite proactive in the past, and I have no reason to doubt his reaction to this situation. I'm just laying it out there that SU should be proactive, while respecting Doug's choice to look around.

They shouldn't just sit on their hands while he looks around.
Blaming the fans to the extent we do is ridiculous imo. The end of year 3 and the beginning of year 4 killed any momentum DM had. GUARANTEE you that we get some serious fan support this year coming off an 8-5 season, exciting brand of football, playing ACC opponents etc. If DM doesnt want to stick around to see that, fine, but lets not act like losing every home game to end year 3, missing a bowl, and playing the most undisciplined football ever to start year 4 didnt stunt the momentum. If we didnt turn it around alot of these people who are begging him to come back would want him fired and probably with good reason, but he did turn it around and we see so much momentum and potential. That momentum and potential with DM growing as a coach with very good coordinators around him is evident for the first time in the DM era. Even after the first Pinstripe win we knew we were losing ALOT, we now have a system and a vision of what we can be as a football team. I hope DM stays and I hope we give him the fan support he earned, and I really hope the University provides him with whatever he feels he needs to succeed here but lets not act like we havent had some growing pains with DM to get to where we are now. He finally has the fans behind him and they will show up next year, will DM?

Simmer down and read, Skippy...I never said those fans are the only reason, or even the biggest reason. I said they are part of it. To deny this is ignorant.
Simmer down and read, Skippy...I never said those fans are the only reason, or even the biggest reason. I said they are part of it. To deny this is ignorant.
Skippy? lol. I agree, but I think DM needs to realize that we the bed when the momentum was there for the taking. It's there again for the taking if he wants it.
Who wanted him fired for interviewing, no one on this board.
I saw one post here that said TGD should fire him, not exactly a landslide. One guys dumb opinion.
I think we need to start a new thread. "Word leaking out that Doug is staying" is a bit outdated.

How about "Word leaking out that Doug might be leaving?"
I don't know. It was rumored. Back when it was rumored, I thought it was bullshit. And I said as much to someone who casually speaks with the Marrones. My second hand source said he DID interview, in Wisconsin, I believe. My source heard it directly from someone who would know.

My source is not a big football fan and they could certainly have misinterpreted, but I don't think so.

The day he was rumored to have been at wisky, he was with Adkins in California and then Nevada the next day making in home visits with John Miller, Trejo and Archinega. Could he have been there another day, who knows..but he was out all that week visiting recruits, so don't know how he would have accomplished that.
I'm not sure how official that signing day was for Zach.There was a bit of doubt as to whether he actually signed. Either way, the point is moot. He could redshirt the spring and transfer for the fall anyways...

The University should give Marrone through the weekend. That is a fair amount of time for him to get his affairs in order. If he isn't committed after this weekend, the University should start a public search for a replacement.
The university needs to look out for it's football program, and if Monday comes with no decision need to move on and promote from within. Thank Doug for his time and name the new Head Coach so recruiting can continue. The problem I have with the situation is Doug expects his players to man up, he should have done the same and said yes I'm looking at the NFL.

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