It is amazing how this seemingly mundane Gene plotline has taken a turn for the dramatic. I wasn't thrilled with the mall cop / donut episode, but it really set the next two episodes up well.
At the end of the day, I'm still shocked that Saul went to that cancer patient's home, after the other guy aborted. I can understand him trying to shake up some side money, with those other two guys bearing the risk. But he's the one at the bars interacting with the marks -- he's the one who could could identified, if the marks put the pieces of the puzzle together.
Which... seems a bit out of character given Saul's circumstances. I get that he's a con man at heart, and that old habits die hard. I get that even when he became a successful lawyer, he couldn't stop with the scams. As Chuck astutely surmised, Jimmy is a bad seed at his core, even though at times he has a good heart.
But in this case, he's a wanted federal criminal. If he gets made, he's going to prison for the rest of his life. If he gets arrested, his fingerprints will show up on the federal database and he's toast. Jimmy is great at not getting caught... so why the hell would he go to that guy's house? Why would he break a window, which clearly shows that there was a break-in robbery? Why not just chalk it up as a loss, and move on to the next? All seems very out of character for a guy who's entire future hinges on not getting caught.
ALSO, I couldn't believe that he stole watches. I mean... talk about thinking small. I don't care how expensive they were, he's playing the long game with the stolen financial information -- now matter how much those watches are worth, it would signify to the mark that he'd been robbed. And now, Jimmy's fingerprints would be all over the house. He's smarter than that.
And I also couldn't believe that he was going to hit that guy over the head. Desperate times... maybe. But very malevolent for Jimmy. And I can't believe I'm going to type this, but when he approached Carol Burnett with that folded up cord, I was certain he was going to strangle her.
Intense episode, between that ending and the Kim trip back to Albuquerque.
And her scene at Saul's office, with Jesse being outside -- man, the writer's did a fantastic job with these cameos. Awesome.