How much better can we get? |

How much better can we get?


Bored Historian
Aug 26, 2011
Mike Lindsley is discussing the likelihood that Doug Marrone might leave SU for an SEC, (probably Tennessee) or NFL job at this juncture. He beleives that Marrone was sincere in calling this his "dream job" but that that doesn't mean there isn't a better job somewhere else. He noted that Marrone is upset that we can't draw bigger cerowds here: how much do CNY sports fans want SU football to be a success? He's used to capacity crowds in the SEC and the NFL. Why not coach where his efforts moght be more appreciated?

Then he made his big point: how much more can he accomplish at SU? How much better can we get? Will we ever be more than a 7-8 win team at best? We could back into the BCS in a weak conference but can we do that in the ACC? Maybe Doug feels that he's done as much as he can here.

If it's true that Doug was already being considered for NFL jobs before he came here, then his committment to the school can't be quesitoned. I've thought all along that he's more Coach Mac, who will rebuild the program and then hand it off when an NFL job becomes available, than Jim Boeheim, the alum who wanted to make a career of coaching here. Doug is still relatively young and there are other oppertunities he might want to take advantage of. He's coached in the SEC aqnd the NFL as an assistant and he's seen what it's like there.

I just don't think this is the time. A month ago people were specualting who would be the new coach after Doug gets fired. We had a good month adn are going to a minor bowl game but surely we haven't hit the "glass celing" here. We will never be Alabama or Ohio State. It think it might be more difficult to get back to what we were in the 90's and maintian that but with the additonal money from the ACC and more of a recruiting foothald in the south, we can still do it. In an era of 12 game seasons we can average 8-9 wins a year, do better in some years, contend for the ACC title and occasisonally have a top ten team. In a dream year we might even run the table like we did in '87 and possibly sneak into a national title game if everybody else gets dinged.

We've taken steps in that direction but we celarly aren't there yet. I can't see how Doug Marrone would think that he's gone about as far as he can go with the Syracuse program.
Funny thing...

I started reading your post and I began to hear that douchebag's voice in my head saying those things. Syracuse sucks...Marrone should leave...The Bonnies are awesome...Love the 2 line pass rule.

And just like his radio show, I stopped reading your post after the first paragraph.
Maybe he'd go for an NFL job, but I don't think he'd leave for another college gig. I think there's still a long way to improve. Its not like we haven't been there before. We wont be Alabama in football, but we can be a legit top 25 team every year with occasional BCS bowl aspirations.
Fans can scream and yell and want firing all they want but some NFL execs know what they want and let's face it, Doug is a good fit for the NFL. I think a lot of people have their dream jobs in their head but once they get them, is it all they thought it to be and what they wanted? My best guess is what his priorities are, family, career, a mix of both, location... who knows other than Doug and his bride. I just know that you strike when the fire is hot if a move is what you want to do.
Funny thing...

I started reading your post and I began to hear that douchebag's voice in my head saying those things. Syracuse sucks...Marrone should leave...The Bonnies are awesome...Love the 2 line pass rule.

And just like his radio show, I stopped reading your post after the first paragraph.

Lmao because I did the same thing
Mike Lindsley is discussing the likelihood that Doug Marrone might leave SU for an SEC, (probably Tennessee) or NFL job at this juncture. He beleives that Marrone was sincere in calling this his "dream job" but that that doesn't mean there isn't a better job somewhere else. He noted that Marrone is upset that we can't draw bigger cerowds here: how much do CNY sports fans want SU football to be a success? He's used to capacity crowds in the SEC and the NFL. Why not coach where his efforts moght be more appreciated?

Then he made his big point: how much more can he accomplish at SU? How much better can we get? Will we ever be more than a 7-8 win team at best? We could back into the BCS in a weak conference but can we do that in the ACC? Maybe Doug feels that he's done as much as he can here.

If it's true that Doug was already being considered for NFL jobs before he came here, then his committment to the school can't be quesitoned. I've thought all along that he's more Coach Mac, who will rebuild the program and then hand it off when an NFL job becomes available, than Jim Boeheim, the alum who wanted to make a career of coaching here. Doug is still relatively young and there are other oppertunities he might want to take advantage of. He's coached in the SEC aqnd the NFL as an assistant and he's seen what it's like there.

I just don't think this is the time. A month ago people were specualting who would be the new coach after Doug gets fired. We had a good month adn are going to a minor bowl game but surely we haven't hit the "glass celing" here. We will never be Alabama or Ohio State. It think it might be more difficult to get back to what we were in the 90's and maintian that but with the additonal money from the ACC and more of a recruiting foothald in the south, we can still do it. In an era of 12 game seasons we can average 8-9 wins a year, do better in some years, contend for the ACC title and occasisonally have a top ten team. In a dream year we might even run the table like we did in '87 and possibly sneak into a national title game if everybody else gets dinged.

We've taken steps in that direction but we celarly aren't there yet. I can't see how Doug Marrone would think that he's gone about as far as he can go with the Syracuse program.

I think you hit it on the head about what we can be and I would sign on to that.
No chance he leaves this year. The ceiling is high, NC high. Why? No one thought Oregon could compete 10 years ago. It's going to take a while and upgrades to a lot of things to reel in elite talent - but why not us?

I don't think he came here to make us OK for one year. He came to get it back to where it was in Macs hey day.
Surprised he has a topic to cover today. Not much going on in the world of sports. Maybe he could bring up a topic like what if we didn't have the Dome. Oh wait, he already did that one.
I've never had the displeasure of hearing Mike Lindsley. I'm glad I moved before he came on the radio. He sounds like a real douche. How does he still have a job there? Can't they find some SU grad that just graduated and actually cares about the school and area?
My paranoid 'cuse fan side says that when guys like Lindsley start saying shite like this it's because he doesn't want Syracuse to be better than a 7 or 8 win program.
My paranoid 'cuse fan side says that when guys like Lindsley start saying shite like this it's because he doesn't want Syracuse to be better than a 7 or 8 win program.
you're probably dead accurate. He gets his ratings by pissing people off and being negative.
He makes a good point though.

If we were 6-3 going into the Louisville game, how many people would show up???


Does Doug really have to get this team to 9-0 or 8-1 versus a top 10 opponent to get 45k+ into the Dome?

Seriously, how many fans would show up? If it is about 40k then thats pathetic. Especially when other Big East teams (and recently former BE teams) are able to easily trump this number.
He makes a good point though.

If we were 6-3 going into the Louisville game, how many people would show up???


Does Doug really have to get this team to 9-0 or 8-1 versus a top 10 opponent to get 45k+ into the Dome?

Seriously, how many fans would show up? If it is about 40k then thats pathetic. Especially when other Big East teams (and recently former BE teams) are able to easily trump this number.
If we were 6-3 in the ACC and were playing FSU/Miami/Va Tech/UNC/Clemson in the dome I think the numbers would be far bigger than they were for the Louisville game even if we were undefeated.

It's like when we drew 30,000 for #5 Cincinnati a few years back. No tradition there.
I guess when HCDM turned them down, they started talking to the Sweater Vest.
The Cowherd of Syracuse, eh?
Beat me to it. Except I was going to do something really creative like say Cowturd instead of Cowherd. Get it? It rhymes.
If we were 6-3 in the ACC and were playing FSU/Miami/Va Tech/UNC/Clemson in the dome I think the numbers would be far bigger than they were for the Louisville game even if we were undefeated.

It's like when we drew 30,000 for #5 Cincinnati a few years back. No tradition there.
That's kinda the point though. If an SEC team is showing improvement after sucking for so long, it doesn't matter who they play. They'll put 80,000-100,000 in the seats.
Beat me to it. Except I was going to do something really creative like say Cowturd instead of Cowherd. Get it? It rhymes.

I just don't respect one trick ponies like that who just try to piss off a fan base to get ratings/calls/email/tweets.
I just don't respect one trick ponies like that who just try to piss off a fan base to get ratings/calls/email/tweets.
Yeah, I couldn't stand listening to Cowturd when I lived in CNY. I'd turn the channel as soon as he came on. Now I'm stuck listening to nothing but local sports talk. It's UT everything down here. They support the local team but know nothing about anything outside of the SEC. The way they talk though, you'd think they were the authority on sports, and the misinformed fans down here don't know any better.
I'm surprised Lindsley isn't all over how weak the ACC will be when all is said and done with expansion. Seems like the perfect anti-SU topic for him.

As to his question, there are peaks and valleys with every program. So it's possible we will get better, and some seasons we'll probably look worse.

One thing that would help SU is to have a returning QB that the fans are excited about. That hasn't happened since 1998. That's not to say we haven't had some good QB years, but we are on a run where every QB who had any success that excites our fans happened in their senior year. Nunes, RJ, Perry (well it looked ok early when Taj was playing), and now Nassib. His junior year didn't leave people saying I can't wait to see him next year. If he had one more year, we might be.

Hopefully with better talent as we have now, a proven system as we have now, we'll soon have a QB who people look forward to watching during the offseason. Generate some real excitement in that offseason. May not be right away, if the world's most attractive man wins the job in 2013 and keeps it all year. But maybe after that.
If we were 6-3 in the ACC and were playing FSU/Miami/Va Tech/UNC/Clemson in the dome I think the numbers would be far bigger than they were for the Louisville game even if we were undefeated.

It's like when we drew 30,000 for #5 Cincinnati a few years back. No tradition there.

Yeah I agree. Hopefully DM recognizes this too (assuming he ever said this). I guess that makes conference realignment even more important for Syracuse to by on the right side of.
Mike Lindsley is an assclown. Fin.

Just look at him. His face screams "I'm a douchenozzle."

Sometimes books can be judged by their covers.
He makes a good point though.

If we were 6-3 going into the Louisville game, how many people would show up???


Does Doug really have to get this team to 9-0 or 8-1 versus a top 10 opponent to get 45k+ into the Dome?

Seriously, how many fans would show up? If it is about 40k then thats pathetic. Especially when other Big East teams (and recently former BE teams) are able to easily trump this number.

You are way off IMO. We were getting 45k+ for games against VT when P was here, even when the team was headed for a 4-8 season. 45k+ for Grob's first debacle against WV. The facts are still facts. We are going to be our 3rd bowl game in a decade, this program is still clawing its way out of the Grob cellar. We pissed games away at a regular rate early in the season. We can get fans but what we need is more than just a random no-name bowl game every few years. We need a little sustained success. The non-diehard fanbase gave up on this team years ago. Will take years to get them back. Years of sustained success. P was HC for 14 years, during that time he finished one season under .500. Numbers weren't great towards the end of his SU career but we walked the plank with Grob. I remember going to games under Gregger where the usher's laughed at me for showing my tickets as I went to my seat. His exact response "Just sit anywhere you want". Do not underestimate the damage done by Robinson and his rotating army of idiots(Pariani, White, Major Applesauce, etc.....).

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