Is Rob Moore Next | Page 4 |

Is Rob Moore Next

IMO, I think the reason he is not considered a good recruiter is that he doesnt want to chase the high profile players, he rather get a kid who wants to come here and wants to be developed. His confidence in his coaching effects his persistence in his recruiting. (just my opinion). I think he thinks any WR can be developed and worth something under his coaching and expertise. This explains the recruitment of Kobena, Flemming, Hale, Lewis and Clark. To me all of them are D 1aa talent but they all can be productive with his coaching.
I don't have any personal connection to Moore or direct insight in to the program, but I wonder if Moore the recruiter suffers a little bit from loving the underdog too much. Why pimp yourself out to a prima donna when you can just be straight up with a kid that wants to get better?

I think Shafer has some of that too, but they've got McDonald to balance it out.

That pretty much goes hand in hand what I knew about Rob. Exactly what Shafer talks about as well, you want kids who want to be here. I think Rob just wants to be treated with respect and not sit and kowtow to some beer belly meathead who played O tackle at Cortland St who now coaches for X High School. So be it. It's part of the job I get it but makes me respect him even more. Mutual respect, professional courtesy, goes a long long way. Would be shocked if Moore isn't going into schools and representing Syracuse with the utmost integrity and class. Good for him, another alumni who thinks playing at Syracuse is something special.

Like I said, I hope Moore stays a long long time.
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I don't have any personal connection to Moore or direct insight in to the program, but I wonder if Moore the recruiter suffers a little bit from loving the underdog too much. Why pimp yourself out to a prima donna when you can just be straight up with a kid that wants to get better?

I think Shafer has some of that too, but they've got McDonald to balance it out.

Agree and I think you will see next season some improved talent at the wr position and Moore coaching these kids and seeing improvement as well. I think we have a solid staff on O, just need GMC to continue to get better as well
Not recruiting NYC was a problem long before Rob Moore ever returned. I love having such an accomplished alum on staff, albeit without the recruiting results.
I know we have had too many dcrops but our passing game would look much better if our qB was hitting the receivers downfield. I am not slamming Hunt and Allen, just stating a fact. Catching long balls is a confidence booster. The reality is that we re still upgrading taent and we are coparing our current kids to our NFL talent of the past.

Moore I'd doing a very good job with the recruits Syracuse could reasonably garner post GRob. We are still climbing out of that hole. Our talent is still improving. The kids we are getting wanted to be here, all of them!. Both staffs worked with these kids and the kids are performing better than the skeptics could imagine. The die hards among us still want Monk, Moore, Hill, et al. to step on the field (myself iincluded) with MacPherson and McNabb throwing to them by we simply don't have that talent level in house, yet.

Dumping on Moore because five star receivers want to go to a pass hhappy school is skewed to make Moore a failure when he obviously is a good coach and gets these kids to exceed expectations.

Let's also factor in the offense was overly complicated to begin the season. This harmed the entire offense.

The staff is growing together as are the players. So llong as kep improving, let's be a little more patient.
I love Rob Moore. I love the message he delivers to prima donna athletes and self-aggrandizing HS coaches. It may not be a message that a lot of people want to hear right now but the more success SU has on the field the more appealingly his message of sustained effort and seriousness of purpose will resonate with parents and athletes and coaches who see the results of this philosophy on the field and in the classroom. I hope he is at SU for as long as he wants to be and I hope that is for a very long time.
I love Rob Moore. I love the message he delivers to prima donna athletes and self-aggrandizing HS coaches. It may not be a message that a lot of people want to hear right now but the more success SU has on the field the more appealingly his message of sustained effort and seriousness of purpose will resonate with parents and athletes and coaches who see the results of this philosophy on the field and in the classroom. I hope he is at SU for as long as he wants to be and I hope that is for a very long time.
This x1000
That pretty much goes hand in hand what I knew about Rob. Exactly what Shafer talks about as well, you want kids who want to be here. I think Rob just wants to be treated with respect and not sit and kowtow to some beer belly meathead who played O tackle at Cortland St who now coaches for X High School. So be it. It's part of the job I get it but makes me respect him even more. Mutual respect, professional courtesy, goes a long long way. Would be shocked if Moore isn't going into schools and representing Syracuse with the utmost integrity and class. Good for him, another alumni who thinks playing at Syracuse is something special.

Like I said, I hope Moore stays a long long time.

His approach seems to be less flash and more dependent on building long term relationships and trust with coaches and players.
IMO, his success as a recruiter is going to come. It's just a longer-term project.
I love Rob Moore. I love the message he delivers to prima donna athletes and self-aggrandizing HS coaches. It may not be a message that a lot of people want to hear right now but the more success SU has on the field the more appealingly his message of sustained effort and seriousness of purpose will resonate with parents and athletes and coaches who see the results of this philosophy on the field and in the classroom. I hope he is at SU for as long as he wants to be and I hope that is for a very long time.

Exactly. People need to get the F off his back. He represents.
Most of the guys brought in by Marrone just arent very good players. They are not BCS quality players it's not coaching.

What does "most of the guys" mean?

You do realize that almost the whole roster are guys brought in by Marrone, right?

The only kids that played this year there signed after Marrone left were Estime, Lasker, and Moore. Are you saying that every other guy that played this year aren't very good players?
That pretty much goes hand in hand what I knew about Rob. Exactly what Shafer talks about as well, you want kids who want to be here. I think Rob just wants to be treated with respect and not sit and kowtow to some beer belly meathead who played O tackle at Cortland St who now coaches for X High School. So be it. It's part of the job I get it but makes me respect him even more. Mutual respect, professional courtesy, goes a long long way. Would be shocked if Moore isn't going into schools and representing Syracuse with the utmost integrity and class. Good for him, another alumni who thinks playing at Syracuse is something special.

Like I said, I hope Moore stays a long long time.

Well said.
The NYS kids are a huge part of the team.

Macky, Robinson, Foy, Hunt, Broyld, Broms, Welsh, Reddish, Dixon starters.

Morgan, MacFarland, AC, Kobena in the rotation.
That pretty much goes hand in hand what I knew about Rob. Exactly what Shafer talks about as well, you want kids who want to be here. I think Rob just wants to be treated with respect and not sit and kowtow to some beer belly meathead who played O tackle at Cortland St who now coaches for X High School. So be it. It's part of the job I get it but makes me respect him even more. Mutual respect, professional courtesy, goes a long long way. Would be shocked if Moore isn't going into schools and representing Syracuse with the utmost integrity and class. Good for him, another alumni who thinks playing at Syracuse is something special.

Like I said, I hope Moore stays a long long time.

I agree with everything you said and have made similar comments about our coaches having to go to places like North Jersey to "kiss the ring." At the same time, he is presumably coaching at Syracuse because he wants to mold kids at the highest level. I'd think it would behoove him to go get some of the top notch kids, even if it is a hassle.

If all he wants to do is "teach," wouldnt he be better off at a place like Williams, a Patriot or Ivy League school, or a service academy? Part of him must want that to be around that top level of athlete. It's something he is going to have to reconcile going forward.
A lot of 17-19 year olds don't want to be told the truth, they want to hear what they want to hear. I was the same way. Moore is good for this university in a lot of ways and yes, recruiting wise he isn't the best or may struggle but the guy is real and cares about Syracuse from what I see/hear.

The coaching staff I assume, works together. It's not like Moore and McDonald work in a separate room and develop game plans and how to get the best out of the players. How much their philosophies are alike, I don't know but the players have two quality coaches helping them and I expect big things out of these receivers from here on and Moore will have a big part of that.
Does anybody have any insight here on David Walker leaving SU and coaching at Pitt. Walker received a lot of the same criticisms for his lack of recruiting prowess on the hill while he was our rb's coach and then shortly after being on Wanny's staff at Pitt he becomes one of their top recruiters. How does one go from a perceived lesser recruiter at SU to a top tier recruiter at Pitt? I wonder what changed? Was it that he put in more effort into recruiting or was it something external coming from the Pitt side like different recruiting philosophy, recruiting territory, etc? Money may have a little bit of knowledge here with his ties to Rochester, but I just see some similarities with each being SU alums who were perceived as weaker recruiters on our staff even though each are their own separate situations.
I've always wondered what happened behind the scenes with David Walker. I thought he was a decent recruiter, although I couldn't find any specific info about this on Google, other than he was outrecruited by Scott Spencer for Averin Collier.

I think one of the bigger issues with Walker was that he was (supposedly) upset about how Gross fired Pasqualoni, but that's speculation.
Rob Moore has done a good job coaching WR's at Syracuse, he was a great player and he brings a lot as a coach I believe even though the position certainly struggled at times this year. His issue as others have pointed out is recruiting, he hasnt been bad hes been a disaster. Part of it I blame on the former staff for trying to have him recruit NJ when it was clear he was in way over his head. Recruiting NJ is tough even for veteran guys with a track record, throwing a newbie out there was not a good idea.

The other issue is that Rob's comments over the summer about NYC kids (while 100% true in my opinion) again did him no favors and from what I was told didnt exactly go over well. Some damage control has been done by Coach Schaf and Moore himself but I think we really need him to try and change his tactics on the recruiting trail. As others have noted already in the thread sometimes you have to "kiss the ring" especially when your going up against schools like Rutgers, PSU, and ND who will tell a kdi anything to get them to commit.
Not sarcastic, most the wrs brought in by Marrone have not been BCS level. They have been generally small and not skilled. SU had the worst in the ACC that I saw. That's why they're recruiting so many now.

Yep, limited to WRs I agree.
Rob Moore has done a good job coaching WR's at Syracuse, he was a great player and he brings a lot as a coach I believe even though the position certainly struggled at times this year. His issue as others have pointed out is recruiting, he hasnt been bad hes been a disaster. Part of it I blame on the former staff for trying to have him recruit NJ when it was clear he was in way over his head. Recruiting NJ is tough even for veteran guys with a track record, throwing a newbie out there was not a good idea.

The other issue is that Rob's comments over the summer about NYC kids (while 100% true in my opinion) again did him no favors and from what I was told didnt exactly go over well. Some damage control has been done by Coach Schaf and Moore himself but I think we really need him to try and change his tactics on the recruiting trail. As others have noted already in the thread sometimes you have to "kiss the ring" especially when your going up against schools like Rutgers, PSU, and ND who will tell a kdi anything to get them to commit.

I remember when JerseyOrange used to post, he didn't have many nice things to say about Moore's recruiting in NJ. I hate the @ss licking you have to do to get kids to come to your school but that's the way it is. Taking a principled stance against that sort of thing is not the recipe to building a top 25 program. You need talent to win and you just can't have any weak links on your staff. Especially at WR. The WR or TE coach at most schools is the top recruiter because his coaching responsibilities are usually less taxing than other position coaches or coordinators and he can spend more time on the road/in contact with recruits.

People here want to say that he's a great coach but he's got mediocre talent. To my way of thinking, you can't give him a pass on both ends like that. If he'd rather have the diamonds in the rough, then as a great coach he should be molding them into good college ball players more regularly than he has. If the problem is that you can only take those kids so far, then he should put his pride aside, kiss some butt, and work these kids harder on the recruiting trail...if he can. I just don't think he has the personality to do all parts of his job effectively.
Syracuse hoops seems to recruit fairly well, and I assume guys like Hopkins have to occasionally pucker-up and smooch various rings and behinds to land the kind of premium talent that we do.

If we want to win at this scummy game we have to play this scummy game. From what you guys are saying about Rob Moore I agree wholeheartedly about his position on such matters, theoretically. In practice, if we want to be a premium program we need people who can play the game. Because the game ain't changing, that's for sure. We can be honest and ethical, but we gotta play the game.
Syracuse hoops seems to recruit fairly well, and I assume guys like Hopkins have to occasionally pucker-up and smooch various rings and behinds to land the kind of premium talent that we do.

If we want to win at this scummy game we have to play this scummy game. From what you guys are saying about Rob Moore I agree wholeheartedly about his position on such matters, theoretically. In practice, if we want to be a premium program we need people who can play the game. Because the game ain't changing, that's for sure. We can be honest and ethical, but we gotta play the game.

to be fair comparing basketball to football really isn't fair. Hopkins has decades of networking and building relationships.

Your right though you have to be willing to do what's necessary to win the game. Recruiting is the toughest part in building a successful program. Like James Franklin said I want good recruiters more then I want good coaches.
I remember when JerseyOrange used to post, he didn't have many nice things to say about Moore's recruiting in NJ. I hate the @ss licking you have to do to get kids to come to your school but that's the way it is. Taking a principled stance against that sort of thing is not the recipe to building a top 25 program. You need talent to win and you just can't have any weak links on your staff. Especially at WR. The WR or TE coach at most schools is the top recruiter because his coaching responsibilities are usually less taxing than other position coaches or coordinators and he can spend more time on the road/in contact with recruits.

People here want to say that he's a great coach but he's got mediocre talent. To my way of thinking, you can't give him a pass on both ends like that. If he'd rather have the diamonds in the rough, then as a great coach he should be molding them into good college ball players more regularly than he has. If the problem is that you can only take those kids so far, then he should put his pride aside, kiss some butt, and work these kids harder on the recruiting trail...if he can. I just don't think he has the personality to do all parts of his job effectively.

I think JO had really nice things to say about Moore actually -- he thought he was a great coach. It was nother poster, Deepthrowit or somethign that discussed Moore's recruiting in NJ. Moore isn't a dynamic recruiter but he is a hell of a WR coach. Period.
I think JO had really nice things to say about Moore actually -- he thought he was a great coach. It was nother poster, Deepthrowit or somethign that discussed Moore's recruiting in NJ. Moore isn't a dynamic recruiter but he is a hell of a WR coach. Period.
I recall that when the new hires were made, JO rated each. He gave the Moore hire an "average hire" rating (again, as I recall). I don't remember if it was because of factors outside pure coaching, but he did say that Moore should be able to get the immediate attention of any WR who he visits on credentials alone.
I think JO had really nice things to say about Moore actually -- he thought he was a great coach. It was nother poster, Deepthrowit or somethign that discussed Moore's recruiting in NJ. Moore isn't a dynamic recruiter but he is a hell of a WR coach. Period.

You're right. It was deepthrowit. I don't know then if I ever read anything JO had to say about Moore, but I'll take your word for it.

I don't doubt that Moore is very knowledgeable on the technical aspects of playing WR. I'm sure that other coaches like JO who have had interactions with him would attest to the fact that he knows his stuff better than most. At the same time, I'm not sure that these kinds of endorsements necessarily mean he's a great coach. Personally, I think that recruiting and coaching are related skills. Both require the ability to make personal connections with the kids and require the ability to get (and hold) their attention. At the pro level, it's easier to teach technique because the guys you're working with are getting paid to be excellent at football. There is an even stronger incentive to listen and learn because your livelihood depends on it. The lure of the pros (and the love of the game) can have the same effect on some college players but the job of the college coach is more challenging. I don't think there's any doubt that Moore is struggling with his recruiting duties. That much read and talked about article from the summer reveals his frustrations with recruiting, if nothing else. But I don't see the frustrations he experiences with the HS prospect necessarily ending once they reach campus. I deal with college kids all the time in my line of work and freshmen and sophomores are not somehow magically transformed by virtue of their stepping on a college campus. Recruiting in part involves molding someone to your way of thinking and coaching requires you to do the same. I'm not sure we've had many examples of that happening under Moore's watch outside of Lemon and Sales (and Lemon was clearly a different kind of kid even as a freshman). As I said before, if he would rather work with diamonds in the rough than primadonnas as he suggests in that article, it would be nice to see substantial progress taking place with all of his charges on a regular and yearly basis.

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