Is this our actual ceiling for the season? | Page 6 |

Is this our actual ceiling for the season?

If the expectations are now just making the NCAAT then the fanbase should cool down.
If the expectations are to be an elite program then this thread is completely on point.

I see JB running this program like he is very comfortable with this roster. Which tells me the program isn’t striving for NCs or conference titles.
As the talent isn’t good enough for that.
I don’t see the staff recruiting guards which tell us they are comfortable with our roster.


I think we have to be ok with throwing this year out of the evaluation pool given CoVid. That doesn't mean we forget the problems that plagued the previous post Hop seasons. We just don't have anything to work with besides a thrown together season with multiple pauses, guys out for injury or quarantine. Hell even if we tear off 8 wins in a row I will enjoy it but I'm also not staking it as a turnaround.
Usually returning players play more because they understand the system and what the coach wants. Kadary is very good. He deserves to play good minutes. He hasn’t earned the staring spot or a consistent 30mpg yet. He has not shown much ability to hit 3’s. If that remains, teams will eventually see that in the scouting report and sag off of him. If he doesn’t get in the paint, there goes his advantage on offense, including his assists.

I love his defense and agree he’s our best defender at the top of the zone.

There go his assists? Most assists come from passing the ball to guys who make jump shots. Especially on this team.

He can’t shoot the 3. Joe can’t drive so teams that play a good extended pressure man to man take him out of the offense.

Different guys have different weaknesses. I hope now that we’re back after a long layoff that things come together and we’re able to utilize them all effectively. Need to find a way to get Kadary at the point and push the tempo more as he and Griffin both shine at a faster pace.
Congrats on your degree

Emotion? Show me the results that prove out I’m wrong.

Buddy and JGiii are below average on offense and terrible on defense. We have other options to score more efficiently.

Where’s the rub?

You haven't made a cogent argument yet so throw it out there and let's analyze. I broke down the early games to point to where each were good or not so good. Also how the wings were a problem on defense and how Sid being out weakens both offense and defense for various reasons. If you watch the games and watch the players you can see what is actually happening and where people are missing assignments vs reacting emotionally. Both Griff and Q have had issues defending in the zone. Buddy's defense has been far better than last year and his offense has been up and down. Watch each possession like game tape. Statistics are a part of evaluating the game and so is tape. Again there are things people miss. I've called both out. I have also see where Kadary has shown he is still learning too. I will leave it there as arguing with a hot head is not of interest all night.
You haven't made a cogent argument yet so throw it out there and let's analyze. I broke down the early games to point to where each were good or not so good. Also how the wings were a problem on defense and how Sid being out weakens both offense and defense for various reasons. If you watch the games and watch the players you can see what is actually happening and where people are missing assignments vs reacting emotionally. Both Griff and Q have had issues defending in the zone. Buddy's defense has been far better than last year and his offense has been up and down. Watch each possession like game tape. Statistics are a part of the game and so is tape. Again there are things people miss. I've called both out. I have also see where Kadary has shown he is still learning too. I'm done.
are you kidding me?

before this game I made post outlining everything.

JGIII at 31 and 32 percentages for FG and three. Buddy at 33 and 24. Buddy and JGiii taking volume shotseFG and TS etc are.

I’m not re-posting it. You want to go all in on them, so be it.

Again, post all you want. The numbers are on my side. If you think they’re on yours, they’ll play out that way.

We can revisit this at the end of the year. You haven’t posted anything That matters. You went from being a data analysis genius to talking about how great Buddy’s defense is.
There go his assists? Most assists come from passing the ball to guys who make jump shots. Especially on this team.

He can’t shoot the 3. Joe can’t drive so teams that play a good extended pressure man to man take him out of the offense.

Different guys have different weaknesses. I hope now that we’re back after a long layoff that things come together and we’re able to utilize them all effectively. Need to find a way to get Kadary at the point and push the tempo more as he and Griffin both shine at a faster pace.

Kadary’s assist come from driving and kicking. His whole offense comes from driving. When we play the big boys who know he can’t shoot, will he get in the paint to be able to score and pass? I’m doubtful but maybe he will. He’ll get short runs to prove it and longer/more runs if he does prove it.
Must have missed your posts about the Pitt game.

My mistake. I thought this thread was about tonight's game against Georgetown, but I must have read it wrong. As you certainly wouldn't flip the subject back to a previous game for the sake of the argument.
are you kidding me?

before this game I made post outlining everything.

JGIII at 31 and 32 percentages for FG and three. Buddy at 33 and 24. Buddy and JGiii taking volume shotseFG and TS etc are.

I’m not re-posting it. You want to go all in on them, so be it.

Again, post all you want. The numbers are on my side. If you think they’re on yours, they’ll play out that way.

We can revisit this at the end of the year. You haven’t posted anything That matters. You went from being a data analysis genius to talking about how great Buddy’s defense is.

You posted a few percentage numbers and kinged yourself as accurate and the man with all the answers. I broke down three games watching the tape( the threads are out there). You also re posted how much JG3 and Buddy sucked in game thread after game thread all season along with a few pcts and lots of all caps and exclamation points to really hammer it home. You posted very little to make your case beyond a few pcts. Before you denigrate offer a little effort at least. I love the passion and by no means are we perfect that said your views are far more emotional than logical from what I see. It's cool it's a forum and we are entitled to feel differently. Hopefully it gets better. If not we have a lot of taped games to enjoy the good times. It's better to be 7-2 than 4-5...
My mistake. I thought this thread was about tonight's game against Georgetown, but I must have read it wrong. As you certainly wouldn't flip the subject back to a previous game for the sake of the argument.

nope, the OP actually doesn’t mention tonight’s game at all
nope, the OP actually doesn’t mention tonight’s game at all

Weird. "We won this game, but..." must be from an alternate universe. You sure showed me!
Again, the issue for me, and notwithstanding this game, is that any player not named Melo or Pearl, should be playing 37 minutes a game- not with obvious talent like Kadary sitting on the bench.
My PTSD from players and season’s past, have me a little wary when i see what transpired w/ Kadary tonight. Maybe an overreaction, but the fear is there. JMHO
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You posted a few percentage numbers and kinged yourself as accurate and the man with all the answers. I broke down three games watching the tape( the threads are out there). You also re posted how much JG3 and Buddy sucked in game thread after game thread all season along with a few pcts and lots of all caps and exclamation points to really hammer it home. You posted very little to make your case beyond a few pcts. Before you denigrate offer a little effort at least. I love the passion and by no means are we perfect that said your views are far more emotional than logical from what I see. It's cool it's a forum and we are entitled to feel differently. Hopefully it gets better. If not we have a lot of taped games to enjoy the good times. It's better to be 7-2 than 4-5...

I know you know your stats...but are there any specific analytics out there that suggest JG3 is an above average or average player out there you can point to?
MCW sat on the bench a whole bunch of games as guards who never went on to play in the NBA got 35+ minutes. That ended up working out okay.
Weird. "We won this game, but..." must be from an alternate universe. You sure showed me!

will we be looking forward to your posts in the future after each game?
We all could use a refill I know I need one. It's been one hell of a year across a number of fronts. Cheers - don't take anything personally either. Passion should not be construed as personal vitriol. I would take a stale beer to the face for any Cuse fan on here from an opponent.. I mean maybe not Runner but if I had enough in me who knows.
We all could use a refill I know I need one. It's been one hell of a year across a number of fronts. Cheers - don't take anything personally either. Passion should not be construed as personal vitriol. I would take a stale beer to the face for any Cuse fan on here from an opponent.. I mean maybe not Runner but if I had enough in me who knows.

Cheers. You'd think we lost with half of the posts on the board tonight. Or got lucky, and squeaked one out, but this was in hand from the jump, so not sure the major malfunction. And I've been singing the praises of Kadary for over two years now.
will we be looking forward to your posts in the future after each game?

Now I'm supposed to read minds? I don't know, will you?
I know you know your stats...but are there any specific analytics out there that suggest JG3 is an above average or average player out there you can point to?

He is a situationally good player. Like Gerry I expect his numbers will never be that great in aggregate pct wise. Long term he can't be the only guy at G and needs to be splitting with Kadary more. Kadary being a frosh is still up and down and maybe isn't even 100 pct. This was why Iooked at tape more than just numbers. I want to see Joe's numbers off screens and kick outs as well as spot ups. To me shot selection plagues him the most.

On tape he is doing a better job helping out on the boards and playing PG. The single biggest problem is poor shot selection. He is averaging 4 bad shots a game. This actually statistically is bringing down his FG pct considerably as he is taking 11 a game. Joe would be closer to 45/40 if he bailed on the bad shots. That still doesn't change that he is a situationally good player. He is a really good scorer but he has to learn to apply that skill differently at this level. He is leaning on HS tendencies and he doesn't need to. I am curious on his specific spot up and off screen FG pcts and I think that would be a good tell in addition to pull up mid range numbers.

To answer your question we have to look at more advanced stats. He is averaging 11/4/3 which is decent for a PG on the surface. Its the FG pct I know that bothers everyone but it's not the full story when you watch the tape.

The one thing we have absolutely zero of is guard leadership. Not one of the 3 presents any semblance of being that guy. Griffin is the closest and he is fickle.
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I'm beside myself. What is JB doing? We lost to Pitt because Joe was gassed and couldn't hit the broadside of a barn. Tonight we won, and not because of Joe's stellar play. We won because Georgetown isn't very good. We play NC next. Let's see how that goes with the anointed two playing 35 each.

They did play well tonight, although I still like Buddy better than Joe. He's just a better player. Kadary should have played at least 4 minutes in the 2nd half. Kind of a shame he didn't, especially when they were reducing our lead (again). Just to get the offense flowing again.

Thank goodness Georgetown was throwing the ball all over the place! I thought the guys played hard. How often are you up 12 rebounds on Georgetown at halftime? Even in a bad year, they still lead the Big East on the boards. So we played really hard, even if Georgetown isn't that great this year.

Nice win. Braswell played well again, doing lots of little things, looking more comfortable out there. Even more depth. Let's not just forget about Woody, or trying to work in one of the other centers. Four minutes in the first half of a few games would help us long term.
They did play well tonight, although I still like Buddy better than Joe. He's just a better player. Kadary should have played at least 4 minutes in the 2nd half. Kind of a shame he didn't, especially when they were reducing our lead (again). Just to get the offense flowing again.

Thank goodness Georgetown was throwing the ball all over the place! I thought the guys played hard. How often are you up 12 rebounds on Georgetown at halftime? Even in a bad year, they still lead the Big East on the boards. So we played really hard, even if Georgetown isn't that great this year.

Nice win. Braswell played well again, doing lots of little things, looking more comfortable out there. Even more depth. Let's not just forget about Woody, or trying to work in one of the other centers. Four minutes in the first half of a few games would help us long term.
good post. agree on all
And Kadary was not more productive than either guy, per minute

Not tonight. But some nights the offense flows better, and we take fewer awful shots when Richmond is out there handling the ball. Girard can't get by anybody on the dribble. It's a bit limiting for a point guard.
Also if Marek is the center this team has a low ceiling. He is not a center. IDC who else is in there...but its not him.

On defense the matador style has to end too...if the bench was deeper...players could actually try to block shots and not just ole all day.

I thought our defense fought hard underneath against Georgetown. We swarmed them down low, very good effort on the boards, I thought.

But I agree that if we don't break in another center, just to have one who's competent, we are going to be in a world of trouble against good teams with two or three quality big men. They are going to foul our guys out of games. We've seen it already this year, against not-that-great competition.
Your expectations are through the roof. You want Top 15, FF or bust and think you know the formula with this team to get it. It's clear there is zero rope pandemic be damned with you. We get it. It's not realistic and not happening this year but who cares right? I love the passion but take a few chill pills and hang in there. Everybody is frustrated but the fan version of minutes isn't going to move mountains or win the ACC. We need some synergy and the combination of practice and roster continuity.

We did that for all of the last decade, man. It's not unrealistic at all.
If our assistants are not getting recruits, then get new ones.
Although it does seem like we are turning it up a gear in recruiting.
We did that for all of the last decade, man. It's not unrealistic at all.
If our assistants are not getting recruits, then get new ones.
Although it does seem like we are turning it up a gear in recruiting.

Maybe. I don't think it's realistic right now. Maybe next year we get back up that ladder. We have had multi-year lulls before. Longer now than I recall but not unheard of.

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