Most pathetic game of the season | Page 6 |

Most pathetic game of the season

The two common laments we hear on this board are the refs were bad and the other team shot so well/we are so unlucky. But that’s not why we are headed to the NIT.
The truth of the matter is we give up huge points almost every game. We usually score enough to win. But our opponents usually shoot above their season average because their looks are so good. Today was a conga line of UNC layups and wide open three-pointers. Why aren’t they going to make a high percentage? I love buddy and joe but they are awful at the top of the zone. Awful. And the zone relies on coverage.
What worries me is how will the guards improve defensively? Joe and buddy always play hard but how do you improve height and athleticism? It is a real concern going forward for next year.
I felt strongly all year that Joe and buddy need to be spelled from time to time and are not equipped play 40 minutes. They are not great defenders to begin with and the more tired they get the more their defense will suffer. So going forward JB should consider getting Brycen at least five minutes for each starting guard to preserve their legs.
The other recurring theme is interior bigs foul trouble. And if it hasn’t improved by now I don’t understand how it will next year. God knows what the hell Marek was thinking when he basically ran into Anthony 90 feet from the basket.
I agree they’re horrible defensively. And I think they’d be bad in m2m too. But to sit there and watch a clinic on zone offense be put on today (and also the previous 12 games in the acc) by Roy just feels helpless. Try something different. It might work, it might not

I got it. It’s super frustrating. But we’ve been a zone team since LeMoyne and I don’t think it changes till JB retires. Whenever that is.
I propose a different defense coming out of every TV timeout.

16 min - man to man
12 min - 1-3-1
8 min - 3 quarter court 1-2-2 back to a 3-2
4 min - box and 1

16 min - 3 quarter court 2-2-1 back to a trapping 2-3
12 min - trunk monkey 1-2-1-1 back to matchup zone
8 min - break out UNLV and Tark’s old amoeba
4 min - FULL COURT MAN TO MAN BABY!! SHOW THEM THAT WE HAVE THE MOST HEART!! Because that’s all it takes.

This will obviously keep the opponent off guard and have them in flummox the whole game. I’m so brilliant. I know more than Jimmy B!
This is a flawless game plan. Co-sign 100%
We’re roughly where most prognosticators had us preseason, no?

For a few years we recruited big kids who could play defense, but couldn’t shoot, pass, or dribble.

Now we’re recruiting small, slow kids who can shoot and pass but can’t play defense.

We haven’t had a first round pick in a few years, a lottery pick in longer.(MCW in ‘13?)

We need better players.

yet I watch game after game after game after game all with players who can play m2m aggressively and can also shoot and I wonder why we can’t get two or three of them from time to time.
What do you think they practice more? Zone? Or M2M? And what do you think the percentage breakdown is? 90-10? 95-5?
I don’t know. I just know JB has said they practice it all the time. They have to in order to be able to practice their m2m offense
I’ve only been looking at this board for about a year or so.

Did people hate the zone as much when we were a consistent top 25 or better team? Or only when we’re average
I’ve only been looking at this board for about a year or so.

Did people hate the zone as much when we were a consistent top 25 or better team? Or only when we’re average

Whenever we lost and the opponent made a bunch of 3s, yes. When we held a team to 50 in the NCAA tourney though, no.

Then when we were boring on offense and clearly recruiting long athletic bricklayers who were good fits for the zone, it became the gift and the curse.

Now it’s what we have to play because we’ve got the Hickory Huskers roster.
I patted myself on the back the whole time I wrote it. If only the D-1 millionaire hall of fame coach knew as much about keeping opponents off balance as me. I used to eat people for LUNCH in NBA 2K.

That's a new variation on the "one handed typing" joke I used to see back in the day.
Whenever we lost and the opponent made a bunch of 3s, yes. When we held a team to 50 in the NCAA tourney though, no.

Then when we were boring on offense and clearly recruiting long athletic bricklayers who were good fits for the zone, it became the gift and the curse.

Now it’s what we have to play because we’ve got the Hickory Huskers roster.

My team is on the floor.
My team is on the floor.

No doubt this man could solve our defensive woes
maybe we should throw a 1-3-1 next game then see how that works.

But in all seriousness, the press today showed everything you need to know about this team. Less athleticism than we’ve had in the past and the result was ineffective .

Someone commented in the game thread, but that press today was pretty hilarious. My god, I've never seen anything so easily broken. Two dribbles, throw across court, TOUCHDOWN!
I’ve only been looking at this board for about a year or so.

Did people hate the zone as much when we were a consistent top 25 or better team? Or only when we’re average

Man, you missed many EPIC meltdowns over the years. I think it's fair to say the current version of the board, like the team, is not at it's peak. I'm not inspired enough to write an essay on why, at the moment. But yeah, even when the team was serviceable, or even good, we had some pretty intense arguments. Such are the nature of message boards.

If only this passion and analysis were directed at things like restoring our Constitutional republic.

Be careful what you asked for, you might get it. People moaned about lack of shooters for awhile, and now that we have them, it is illustrated that a number of things in this life are not without consequence.

But hey, at least all of this distracted a chunk of the masses from the real life issues our Constitution has been facing for decades. Some guy even cheered paying a fraudulent tax of which no liability exists for the average American, but I'll stop now before I get any threats. If people want to choose to be upset(or give their money to whomever), it is their choice.

The way I look at it is we were blessed to experience an overall run that the vast majority of school's fans have not. Sure, more would be nice, but the guys I poked fun at earlier did have a point even if they didn't mean it that way. I don't even take my moments of clarity for granted, lol, and am grateful for them too.
Someone commented in the game thread, but that press today was pretty hilarious. My god, I've never seen anything so easily broken. Two dribbles, throw across court, TOUCHDOWN!

Maybe a consulation with Bill Belichick on how his defenders generally know right where to be could be of use. ;)

(think the inexplicable ending of the Super Bowl vs Seattle with the INT)

I'm just joking, the NCAA obviously wouldnt turn a blind eye to JB like the NFL does to Bill.
All else aside, we are not in a good place as a program gents. Dont talk about Dior to me. We have season’s before then.
Virginia has mediocre talent and they are 22-7. We aren’t finishing better than 5th in the ACC anytime soon. We are the NC State of the north.
UVA has 2 legitimate bigs who are great on both ends of the floor. Key is a good 2-way player. Woldentase/Morsell have improved and Clark is a steady PG.
All else aside, we are not in a good place as a program gents. Dont talk about Dior to me. We have season’s before then.

You just made the board more interesting with that post. Some may be shaking their fist at their monitors after thay post and thinking "Et tu, Brute?!?". I know it even caught me a bit off guard.

For better or worse, things get an ad hominem flavor on here due to the consistency of some members. However when even you say that, a different response would have to be employed(or it might be easier for some to ignore it).

I'm wondering if that's really you in there, or if your account was hacked. If not, I am concerned and change my recommendation of beer to something harder instead.
We will after Roy retires.

lol, nice. However, even that is not a guarantee. Maybe their next solid coach's arrival won't have the gap that Roy did after Dean Smith retired. I'm not SWC75, so I don't recall what Syracuse's record was against Dean Smith. What I do know is I strongly disliked UNC long before Roy or the ill-fated move to the ACC...and is why I had hoped some of the anger directed at UConn would be redirected toward them. Maybe today will help the chances?

Being Brady was in the house, I think Roy's owning of the Cuse is analogous to Brady's owning of the AFC East for so many years. I'm glad greater numbers seem to be recognizing it and making me feel less alone in my feelings toward them. Our boys can even manage to beat Duke, but UNC seems to be our Kryptonite. Some may remember the first game after the title game loss to Indiana was against UNC. Pete Chilcutt took a jumper at the end of regulation that bounced off the rim high into the air, only to still find its way through the net. UNC won in OT. And that was a heck of a Cuse roster that lost that day, no excuses about lack of talent.

Senior Christmas disappeared when his turn redeem us came, as I mentioned earlier. My best friend growing up was a UNC fan, so that might have influenced my dislike even more. I'm trying to remember if it was the announcers or someone on here who mentioned the amount of powder blue in the Dome today, which was salt in the already festering wound.
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