Shrader isn't great, but the play calling is horrific. When Gilbert was OC at UT, one the biggest complaints about him were a complete lack of diversity in play calling, zero sophistication or creativity in the passing game and non-strategic play calling... i.e. he doesn't seem to call one play to set up another instead if a play works he just calls it over and over again well past the point of it working, even if the other team is sitting not that play.
This is what we saw in the 2nd half... Liberty was sitting on the base RPO that we were running and Gilbert called it over and over and over and over again. What we should have done in the 2nd half is a crap ton of play action and screen passes. Shrader can't hit the deep, but he seems to have no problem with the intermediate/short passes. The main issue is that those plays don't seem to be a part of this offense. Again last night, where was the TE in the passing game? Where were the slants? The short hitches where the WR just sits where the LB has vacated to go stop the run? Where were the WR screens we saw earlier in the year? At one point, the announcer stated that Babers is a "screen-game guy" and I almost spit out my drink because in my 5 years of watching Babers-ball we have barely used the screen.
I did see a few positives... we ran two or three screens to Tucker and they went for decent yardage. We stopped throwing the dumb deep side line pass to Harris which almost next works.
There is talent on this squad... it's not clear that the we have the offensive coaching staff to really do anything with it.