Thoughts on PSU situation |

Thoughts on PSU situation


Our only goal will be the western shores.
Sep 22, 2011
Some thoughts, questions (and a couple predictions), mostly in random order.

1) Sandusky founded Second Mile in 1977. No way that a person with his repulsive sickness goes 17 years before the first time he acts on it. There will be other victims who come forth from times before the first victim sited in the Grand Jury transcript.
2) After the trials and everything, I think we're going to find out that Paterno knew about Sandusky prior to '98.
3) I think we'll find out that Sandusky's retirement in '99 was brokered by Paterno after the 98 DA investigation. I think this is really the key turning point in the whole story - getting to the bottom of what happened there and what deals were made. What leverage did Sandusky have to ensure continued access to PSU after his retirement? This is the biggest question IMO.
4) If Sandusky is so ******* sick that he's going to commit these acts in public places where there is a chance of getting caught, what does that say about when he was with boys in private? This is going to go well beyond the 8 victims from the GJ.
5) Second Mile is gonna go down, I believe there had to be someone on the inside there that was in cahoots with Sandusky. The GJ transcript, it almost reads like there was someone within the organization that was 'selecting' kids for Sandusky. Would not be surprised if that turns out to be the case. {even more horrible rumors there but I'll refrain from speculation until something more concrete comes out}
6) Second Mile had an unexplained $1M dollar decrease in donations this year, to roughly half of what it received the year before. Is this a coincidence?
7) The fact that all of this took more than a decade to come to light shows how much resistance there probably was to it. I can only imagine that as we learn more, we're going to find out about local law enforcement officers looking the other way or obstructing justice to protect Paterno and the program. We learned last night through the rioting that the campus (and likely the community) values the football team above all else. The attitude displayed last night by the students is a direct reflection of why this ordeal took so long to investigate and act upon.
8) With the national media firmly entrenched at PSU, you can bet some intrepid investigative reporter will go 'up the ladder' and eventually we'll get some information on what BOT members knew about this, and when. The firings yesterday aren't the end of the line there.
9) When does the NCAA make its presence felt here? I think you could make the case before that the NCAA didn't have any jurisdiction, but this is rapidly starting to look like the dreaded 'lack of institutional control'.
10) Does any of this eventually lead back to Gricar's disappearance in 2005? Why did he decide not to pursue charges against Sandusky in 1998, given Sandusky's admission of inappropriate behavior? Again, I think we're going to find the presence of a community-wide disease - that he was pressured in some way to drop this, or cut some sort of deal (goes back to the questions surrounding Sandusky's retirement).

Death Penalty is looking like a real option when this all shakes out.. Not talk of it, it actually seems like a real minor punishment considering the offense, the whole athletic dept will be upside down as well as the entire university. The cover ups are everywhere here, how would like to be just a coach in a non revenue sport over there right now, must be just horrendous for everyone or anyone who is actually affiliated that actually knew nothing
Some thoughts, questions (and a couple predictions), mostly in random order.

1) Sandusky founded Second Mile in 1977. No way that a person with his repulsive sickness goes 17 years before the first time he acts on it. There will be other victims who come forth from times before the first victim sited in the Grand Jury transcript.

No doubt. This went on for a long long time.

2) After the trials and everything, I think we're going to find out that Paterno knew about Sandusky prior to '98.

Probably knew almost 2 decades prior.

3) I think we'll find out that Sandusky's retirement in '99 was brokered by Paterno after the 98 DA investigation. I think this is really the key turning point in the whole story - getting to the bottom of what happened there and what deals were made. What leverage did Sandusky have to ensure continued access to PSU after his retirement? This is the biggest question IMO.

No doubt his retirement was negotiated for a cover up for him.

4) If Sandusky is so ******* sick that he's going to commit these acts in public places where there is a chance of getting caught, what does that say about when he was with boys in private? This is going to go well beyond the 8 victims from the GJ.

As someone else said, 100's may be closer.

5) Second Mile is gonna go down, I believe there had to be someone on the inside there that was in cahoots with Sandusky. The GJ transcript, it almost reads like there was someone within the organization that was 'selecting' kids for Sandusky. Would not be surprised if that turns out to be the case. {even more horrible rumors there but I'll refrain from speculation until something more concrete comes out}

No doubt they go down. 2nd mile was the perfect situation for a pedophile. The connection will be that Raz (p?) guy in charge. Won't mention the name to anyone, but one of our posters wife met the guy many years ago and their first impression was that the guy was a sleazeball.

6) Second Mile had an unexplained $1M dollar decrease in donations this year, to roughly half of what it received the year before. Is this a coincidence?

Word was leaking out about what was coming. Many donors started to distance themselves which won't help them at all in the long run.

7) The fact that all of this took more than a decade to come to light shows how much resistance there probably was to it. I can only imagine that as we learn more, we're going to find out about local law enforcement officers looking the other way or obstructing justice to protect Paterno and the program. We learned last night through the rioting that the campus (and likely the community) values the football team above all else. The attitude displayed last night by the students is a direct reflection of why this ordeal took so long to investigate and act upon.

Not sure how much local police knew and if people went to them. Remember, the head of PSU police was Schultz who was also the finance guy and got fired. I doubt much ever went to the local police although I am sure they heard talk. I also bet Schulz used PSU $$$$ to but peoples silence.

9) When does the NCAA make its presence felt here? I think you could make the case before that the NCAA didn't have any jurisdiction, but this is rapidly starting to look like the dreaded 'lack of institutional control'.

The NCAA should be ashamed of themselves if they stay away.

10) Does any of this eventually lead back to Gricar's disappearance in 2005? Why did he decide not to pursue charges against Sandusky in 1998, given Sandusky's admission of inappropriate behavior? Again, I think we're going to find the presence of a community-wide disease - that he was pressured in some way to drop this, or cut some sort of deal (goes back to the questions surrounding Sandusky's retirement).

Suicide or murder, I believe that it is connected.
Death Penalty is looking like a real option when this all shakes out.. Not talk of it, it actually seems like a real minor punishment considering the offense, the whole athletic dept will be upside down as well as the entire university

Think of how much money this is going to cost Penn State - lawsuits with any victims assaulted on the PSU campus, potential loss of state grant money, potentially huge hit to the endowment through contributions from alumni...
Will torte reform save psu and if they can get the right people to make the judgement it may save them millions.​
#3 will be the most interesting thing to find out. The B1G should really kick PSU out. And the NCAA should tell PSU that all sports programs are suspended to allow PSU to clean house. The current athletes there should be free to transfer.
...PSU is going down...there is going to be a class action suite most likely. Believe as posted previously, that the Sandusky retirement at age 55 and heir apparent...was a brokered we think about Paterno etc...what about all the other coaches etc that have passed thru since the mid to late 90' and through the first decade of 2010...ouch...if I was them and knew or heard anything...even heresay...I would be in Feds ears giving it up and looking for plea deal!
Some thoughts, questions (and a couple predictions), mostly in random order.

7) The fact that all of this took more than a decade to come to light shows how much resistance there probably was to it. I can only imagine that as we learn more, we're going to find out about local law enforcement officers looking the other way or obstructing justice to protect Paterno and the program. We learned last night through the rioting that the campus (and likely the community) values the football team above all else. The attitude displayed last night by the students is a direct reflection of why this ordeal took so long to investigate and act upon.


What really opened my eyes as to the attitude at PSU; The article quoting the PSU undergrad who is the sister of one of the victims. She said she doesn't blame JoePa because he was doing his job protecting the football team. She blames the Administrators.
What really opened my eyes as to the attitude at PSU; The article quoting the PSU undergrad who is the sister of one of the victims. She said she doesn't blame JoePa because he was doing his job protecting the football team. She blames the Administrators.

It's like something out of a scary movie. A psychological disease. They are truly out of their minds.
What really opened my eyes as to the attitude at PSU; The article quoting the PSU undergrad who is the sister of one of the victims. She said she doesn't blame JoePa because he was doing his job protecting the football team. She blames the Administrators.

Sure. The other victim's after her brother however feel very differently...
Some peoples priorities are just a tad out of whack. It's a greek tragedy of errors from many of the people in charge.
Does the NCAA generally get involved in general misconduct? As serious as this is, I thought they only punished "anti-competitive" violations.

Some thoughts, questions (and a couple predictions), mostly in random order.

9) When does the NCAA make its presence felt here? I think you could make the case before that the NCAA didn't have any jurisdiction, but this is rapidly starting to look like the dreaded 'lack of institutional control'.

"10) Does any of this eventually lead back to Gricar's disappearance in 2005? Why did he decide not to pursue charges against Sandusky in 1998, given Sandusky's admission of inappropriate behavior? Again, I think we're going to find the presence of a community-wide disease - that he was pressured in some way to drop this, or cut some sort of deal (goes back to the questions surrounding Sandusky's retirement)."

This is the one that intrigues me the most. What did Gricar know ? Who else besides Sandusky was implicated ? Why did he have his laptop with him when he disappeared in 2005 ?

I believe that he was meeting a key witness that day who was the missing link between Sandusky's resignation, his continued access to PSU and Second Mile and had his laptop with him so he could take notes and corroborate facts based upon what he already knew. Whoever he was meeting knew he would have his laptop with him. It was a setup.
Think of how much money this is going to cost Penn State - lawsuits with any victims assaulted on the PSU campus, potential loss of state grant money, potentially huge hit to the endowment through contributions from alumni...
In addition to the sponsors that have pulled out, or will pull out soon. This is going to be financially devastating to that school.

I don't think the B1G will drop them, but it certainly isn't out of the question.

The rumors that Sandusky pimped out the little kids from the Second Mile to big donors is sickening. If true, many more heads will fall.
I think this could go much bigger yet in the people this may bring down.

Keep in mind that the sitting Governor Tom Corbett who took office in January 2011 and who is an ex-officio member of the PSU Board of Trustees was elected governor while he was the current State Attorney General. The state Attorney General's Office seems to have been leading the long Grand Jury investigation into Jerry Sandusky and whatever else it will end up having uncovered.

As of last week, the target of that investigation that was led at one time by Corbett, still had free reign at PSU on the campus that is nominally under the control of a Board of Trustees over which Corbett has substantial control.

It doesn't strain the imagination to think of a scenario wherein Corbett was (i) well aware of the investigation into Sandusky and his deeds with children as a result of his holding the Attorney General's office, (ii) became a member of the PSU Board of Trustees (including the ability to appoint a half dozen members of his choosing) in January after being elected Governor, (iii) did nothing to advise the Board that they had a well revered predator in their midst or take action to shut Sandusky down and (iv) additional children were victimized during this time.

Once he became Governor don't his obligations to the Commonwealth, the Commonwealth Treasury and its flagship university trump any potential duty to keep the investigation silent?
Does the NCAA generally get involved in general misconduct? As serious as this is, I thought they only punished "anti-competitive" violations.

Typically I think they prefer to limit punishment to anti-competitive violations, but they did drop the hammer on Baylor's basketball team after one player killed another and the head coach was caught on tape encouraging an assistant to spread the rumor that both players were involved in drug activity.
Sure. The other victim's after her brother however feel very differently...

Or maybe her own brother could have been spared. It didn't say when he was targeted by Sandusky. He could have been after 2002...

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