Waters Blog Post Outing CTO | Page 7 | Syracusefan.com

Waters Blog Post Outing CTO

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Heat. Much better movie. Much better cast.
I have so many Departed gifs to post in response to this, but every single one would get me banned.
Heat has some really good actors, I will take Leo,Damon,Jack,Wahlburg, Martin Sheen, Alec Baldwin.

Heat: DeNiro, Pachino, Jon Voight, Val Kilmer, Natalie Portman (great actress when she was young), Tom Sizemore, Dennis Haysbert, Hank Azaria, Danny Trejo, Jeremy Piven, Tone Loc

Legends and character actors...and one "actor" I put in there for a laugh.
I have so many Departed gifs to post in response to this, but every single one would get me banned.

Departed was a good movie but too many ridiculous premises and coincidences in the movie to be considered a classic. I loved the use of music, especially the Stones' most underrated song, "Let it Loose."
I am with you 100%. I haven't read the Mike Waters' article, and am not inclined to do so. (Too much going on in another universe!) I don't know if syracusefan.com would even exist without CTO (and a few others) and it is clear to me that we have The Best Fanboard in college sports. I hope and pray CTO will continue to be the steadying, positive presence we have come to take for granted here.

Pure Pollyanna, I know. Sue me!

Mike's article is fine...but by all means don't even dip a toe into the cesspool that passes for a comments section.
I did not realize any of this had taken place. Wowza!

The way the article on deadspin portrays cto and the university is pretty outrageous.

Labeling Fab an innocent bystander in his own cheating scandal lacks common sense and is a slap in the face to anyone who worked hard to earn a college degree.

The university certainly is culpable for aiding him in an unethical way that clearly benefited the program but he benefited from the improprieties as well. Picked 22nd because of the exposure he garnered while wearing Orange. He made 2.5 million dollars in the NBA.

This whole thing has been blown out of proportion. I am sad that Fab passed away, he seemed to leave a positive impression on many who knew him but for cto to be publicly outed and chided for some comments on a message board is sad and scary.
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Is anyone else here disturbed by the Mike Waters blog post last night outing CTO and airing the whole FAB Melo comments thread? I know I am!

It truly makes me think twice about posting opinions here. This has always seemed to me to be a relatively safe place to come and express opinions; some smart, others not so smart, without having to worry that something dumb you might say might be associated with your identity and broadcast more broadly then the thread you posted in. I understand that my belief may have been a bit naive in that this is an open forum and is actually on the Internet, but it has always seemed like a relatively closed community despite being open.

For many of us who don't live in Syracuse or in close proximity to other Syracuse fans, this is the only place we can share in discussion with other SU fans about the program we love. We don't necessarily share the same values, politics, or opinions, but most of us share a love of SU Athletics. In a lot of ways its a bit like a family.

I really dislike the fact that Mike Waters would take a generic opinion posted here, regardless of who posted it, and run with it as though it were news. Why, in what world is that news? Whether CTO is embarassed by her original opinions or still holds them, I can only assume that having that opinion and the debate it set off vetted publicly is relatively embarassing to her. I know it would be to me. I guess it is something that I might not have been as disturbed by if it had come from someone who hasn't been here among us and been a part of this family.

That blog post has really made me feel entirely different about coming here.
I'm with you. Can't believe there are two news articles about this. I normally like Mike's stuff but this one and especially the original shouldn't have happened in my humble opinion.
I respect this position. However, going out the way to email the posts to national blogs and websites is an attempt to humiliate a person.
Nobody on this board deserves that just because they are a trustee. Actively trying to cause someone harm is just as messed up about what he was complaining about. Our society since this election has been trending down. This kid had no right to demand a public shaming. The poster harmed a person because he was offended for something he had no right to be offended about.
The other posters in that thread said some of nastiest things ever on this board. That should have been enough but to go and try to make it national is a joke. Shame on that jerk.
Along with the posts that praise Joyce--very deservedly--for her countless acts of kindness and generosity (full disclosure: I've been a beneficiary), your posts about the rat ring as true and valid with me as any other in this thread. The fact that "Nicholas Wood" appears to be so tone deaf about what he did in sending the info to Deadspin, where he had to know what would likely happen, is stupefying. He took an emotional statement from a person whose life's work needs no defending and effectively poured accelerant on it while calling the Troll Broadcasting Company with a tip. And now all you need to do is go to the cesspool known as the $yr.com comment zone under Mike Waters's latest article, to see how a tsunami of Anonymous Internet Tough Guys (and Gals) now feel empowered to pass terrible judgment on her character.

Several years ago, I became the target of an Internet smear campaign when another person with the same name as mine published some utterly vile hate speech, and a number of bloggers and Internet strangers felt free to call me out publicly. Some even offered threats. The Associated Press picked up the initial report, and life suddenly felt like a freefall. It was not an enjoyable time in my life, but it did galvanize a number of friends and acquaintances who struck off on a media counterinsurgency to clear my name. Joyce isn't in the exact same spot, since this isn't a simple case of mistaken identity. But her massive heap of good works and generous acts leaves me fully convinced that--while anyone's free to disagree with her--she didn't deserve having this turn into a mushroom cloud. However transient that cloud might be, I can confirm that this type of thing takes a toll. And in looking at the big picture, the toll and notoriety here are disproportionate, unjust, and cruel.
Along with the posts that praise Joyce--very deservedly--for her countless acts of kindness and generosity (full disclosure: I've been a beneficiary), your posts about the rat ring as true and valid with me as any other in this thread. The fact that "Nicholas Wood" appears to be so tone deaf about what he did in sending the info to Deadspin, where he had to know what would likely happen, is stupefying. He took an emotional statement from a person whose life's work needs no defending and effectively poured accelerant on it while calling the Troll Broadcasting Company with a tip. And now all you need to do is go to the cesspool known as the $yr.com comment zone under Mike Waters's latest article, to see how a tsunami of Anonymous Internet Tough Guys (and Gals) now feel empowered to pass terrible judgment on her character.

Several years ago, I became the target of an Internet smear campaign when another person with the same name as mine published some utterly vile hate speech, and a number of bloggers and Internet strangers felt free to call me out publicly. Some even offered threats. The Associated Press picked up the initial report, and life suddenly felt like a freefall. It was not an enjoyable time in my life, but it did galvanize a number of friends and acquaintances who struck off on a media counterinsurgency to clear my name. Joyce isn't in the exact same spot, since this isn't a simple case of mistaken identity. But her massive heap of good works and generous acts leaves me fully convinced that--while anyone's free to disagree with her--she didn't deserve having this turn into a mushroom cloud. However transient that cloud might be, I can confirm that this type of thing takes a toll. And in looking at the big picture, the toll and notoriety here are disproportionate, unjust, and cruel.
Sorry to hear that. During the thread on Saturday night I was taking heat from people because I tried to deflect it off being personal at CTO.
When people want their pound of flesh it is sad. That jerk had no right to make this national.
This whole thing is unfortunate. It was just the timing of it. I don't even think it was really that disrespectful per se but more a little distasteful. It didn't merit ALL the personal attacks she was receiving from this board, IMO. It was a public stoning from here for christ's sake.

I agree that if it was said today, or a month or year from now, it would be essentially a non-issue. But this was literally "hot off the press" news. Some people were surely shaken by the news. (Perhaps they knew Fab in some manner. Maybe they were contemplating their own mortality or that of someone they've recently lost). Some were unfazed by the news but felt it inappropriate to spit on someone's grave, while others simply wanted to reflect on Fab's time at Syracuse and professionally. The two posts, so soon in time, threw those intentions for a loop.
Disagree. As long as the post didn't insult anybody it would have be allowed.
You can say unpopular things here you just can't go personal. I didn't think CTO's post was the right time or place but she didn't say anything ban worthy at all.
She took criticism for her opinion.
You can't go and try to harm an opinion you disagree with public shaming. The poster wanted to harm her because he was offended. that mindset. I always keep things internal when I can. This wasn't something that needed to be outside. She took heat for her position so it wasn't like she was getting off the hook for it.
Maybe CTO needs a disclaimer that says all the posts are the opinion of CTO and do not reflect the views of anyone else or Syracuse University.
I agree that if it was said today, or a month or year from now, it would be essentially a non-issue. But this was literally "hot off the press" news. Some people were surely shaken by the news. (Perhaps they knew Fab in some manner. Maybe they were contemplating their own mortality or that of someone they've recently lost). Some were unfazed by the news but felt it inappropriate to spit on someone's grave, while others simply wanted to reflect on Fab's time at Syracuse and professionally. The two posts, so soon in time, threw those intentions for a loop.

Yes except I didn't read any commentary, including hers, that reached the level of a "spit on someone's grave."
Heat: DeNiro, Pachino, Jon Voight, Val Kilmer, Natalie Portman (great actress when she was young), Tom Sizemore, Dennis Haysbert, Hank Azaria, Danny Trejo, Jeremy Piven, Tone Loc

Legends and character actors...and one "actor" I put in there for a laugh.

Heat wins. One of the best scenes anywhere is the DeNiro/Pacino diner/coffee scene.

Under the radar one is True Romance. Gary Oldman, Christopher Walken, Brad Pitt, Christian Slater, Dennis Hopper, Gandolfini Rappaport, Samuel L Jackson, etc. One could argue the Walken/Hopper Sicilian eggplant scene is even better.
If she was any other member who posted here and wrote that she would have been hammer far worse and banned. It wasn't just "he is no saint", it was more like "He cost us wins and we're going to celebrate him?". That's what I took out of it and that's what it said. If she didn't say anything wrong then she wouldn't have had to apologized, we all make mistakes, Fab Melo, Joyce, me, you, and everybody else that walks this earth.
Banned? Give me a break. Days later people are still overreacting. But I do find it funny that you equate "that's what I took out of it" with "that's what it said." Translation: my perception is truth.

In light of that, I'm not surprised that you also adhere to the philosophy "If she didn't say anything wrong then she wouldn't have had to apologize" which is a popular viewpoint in this day and age of public shaming.
She screwed up. She apologized. Just like all of us have done. I still love her and what she's done for SU even though I was taken aback by what she wrote.

Unless we're prepared to judge ourselves by the same standards we've applied to CTO, let's accept her apology and continue to appreciate her for everything she has done and continues to do on behalf of SU.
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