Where is Taurean...? | Page 23 | Syracusefan.com

Where is Taurean...?

Not what I think. I think we SHOULD block. My point is, at least my opinion is, that the press would take any chance to give us negative publicity, whether warranted or not. And to answer your question, I am a 39 year old professional(not sports) who is trying to look at things objectively.
Sorry to misunderstand you but you really were not clear. And F the portion of the press that would go negative on us in these circumstances.
1) I'm not making this excuse for him, only arguing against the assertion that there's no difference between a half hour drive and a four hour drive.
2) See the last sentence in my post.
Nothing personal, Zelda. The reason I used the word "excuse" is that: 1) it's not the distance, it's the timing of the decision and the shady circumstances; and 2) we can't have players jumping ship on the first day of classes and have any hope of running a competitive program in the ACC. It's way too late to talk about distance -- this situation reeks of tampering and the last thing we should do is say, "oh well". JMO.
Grant the release immediately, slam the door, and send him on his way. Just my opinion. Quick divorce, and move on to those who want to play ball. We have a season to worry about. Not some kid who couldn't care less about SU, his teammates, coaches, and everyone who helped him here.

We don't owe this kid anything, with the lack of respect he has given us, make it hard on him, since he has made it hard on us.
No. Granting it makes you a target in the future.

JB is no rube. He will do what is best for SU.

Well, I'll certainly support whatever Boeheim decides to do. He's closer to the situation than I am ... or just about anyone else for that matter.

And this is the kind of thing the SU AD has to be involved in as it relates to what the school's position on this sort of thing is.

BUT, I'm reminded of advice about marriage and divorce. "Never marry anyone you wouldn't want to be divorced from."

Anger, revenge, and spite are not the characteristics you want the school or program to evidence.

I don't want future recruits to think, "If this doesn't work out at SU, I really don't want to be in a "cage match" with SU like the one I saw in "Thunderdome".
Well, I'll certainly support whatever Boeheim decides to do. He's closer to the situation than I am ... or just about anyone else for that matter.

And this is the kind of thing the SU AD has to be involved in as it relates to what the school's position on this sort of thing is.

BUT, I'm reminded of advice about marriage and divorce. "Never marry anyone you wouldn't want to be divorced from."

Anger, revenge, and spite are not the characteristics you want the school or program to evidence.

I don't want future recruits to think, "If this doesn't work out at SU, I really don't want to be in a "cage match" with SU like the one I saw in "Thunderdome".
I agree with all of that (in marriage). But not here. It's not anger. Any player can transfer, but there are time limits. Classes have started. It's too late. It's SOOO late that SU's left with no other option to bring in another player (barring a miracle). That's the problem. That's why there are tampering and transfer rules -- to provide some certainty and stability in recruiting and team composition. Kids just can't wait until nearly September and say, my Mom wants me closer. If he had said that in May -- fine. At this point, it's a matter of discouraging tampering and doing roster damage control - not spite. No one thought we were spiteful when JB refused Jason Hart's (very late) request for release, and this is even worse.

Reed, we haven't heard TT's full side of the story yet.

He might have a rationale that is completely reasonable and/or that the public and sports press buys.

If he floats some weak shxt, then he's going to be the villain in this.

But SU is still Goliath in this and we don't need ANY bad press. (But I'll guarantee we get some whether its fair or not.)
Why should we just make things easy for him?

No need to drag this situation out. Time to move on. He's a baby, and made a mess. Clean it up, and don't let it linger. Mommy can take over from here as Syracuse babysat him for a year. Enjoy, SHU. Mom will be around the corner telling you what you did wrong to her kid. Granted, he's a grown ass man, so even more reason to not let the situation linger.
No need to drag this situation out. Time to move on. He's a baby, and made a mess. Clean it up, and don't let it linger. Mommy can take over from here as Syracuse babysat him for a year. Enjoy, SHU. Mom will be around the corner telling you what you did wrong to her kid. Granted, he's a grown ass man, so even more reason to just let the situation not linger.

He shouldn't be allowed to play bball next year plain and simple.
Nothing personal, Zelda. The reason I used the word "excuse" is that: 1) it's not the distance, it's the timing of the decision and the shady circumstances; and 2) we can't have players jumping ship on the first day of classes and have any hope of running a competitive program in the ACC. It's way too late to talk about distance -- this situation reeks of tampering and the last thing we should do is say, "oh well". JMO.
I'll try to say this again differently: all I was responding to, re: driving times, was Part of someone else's post. Read the post to which i was replying for context. I have said nothing to justify or rationalize Thompson's behavior. My perspective on the matter is in my post, #408.
Reed, we haven't heard TT's full side of the story yet.

He might have a rationale that is completely reasonable and/or that the public and sports press buys.

If he floats some weak shxt, then he's going to be the villain in this.

But SU is still Goliath in this and we don't need ANY bad press. (But I'll guarantee we get some whether its fair or not.)
Good points, Townie. No doubt there's an underside to this. I'm simply reacting to the facts that have come out, per the PS. Is is possible that we get bad press? Sure. But it didn't happen las time. And I don't think the risk should be controlling given the circumstances ... including the need to discourage this kind of nonsense.

As to the rest of your reply, what bothers me is the TIMING and the shady circumstances, NOT the decision to transfer. Given that, in many ways it doesn't matter what the young man's rationale is. I'm not here bashing moms, or saying players shouldn't play where they're happy. I'm saying there are time limits involved because the institutions are making very important decisions ... decisions that affect other players' lives and futures, to say nothing of SU's basketball program. There are lines, and from what I know, they were crossed. We'll have to wait out the rest of this story.
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This is a complex situation. On one hand, the staff may be aware of factors/nuance that we're not aware of. They had a relationship with the kid for over a year. They may be inclined to do what's best for him, regardless of hurt feelings.

Then, on the other hand, there's the public perspective. The public won't be given access to all the details or have the benefit of knowing the kid. Does JB do what he feels is right personally, or do what is best for the perception of the program? And are the two mutually exclusive?

I'm inclined to act out of grace ("go high") even if i felt an abuse in this situation, but i'd also be inclined to reduce it to a matter of principle and take emotion out of it entirely. There should be some manner of deterrence factor involved—you can't set a negative precedent. And as silly as it seems that JB should be concerned about 'appearing weak,' it does no one any good to 'reward' poor character. I'm certain they'll know if a 'medical rationale' is actually valid. If TT's camp is claiming that 1) because they want JB to believe it's true, but it isn't, i say screw them; 2) if he's claiming it with JB's knowledge that it isn't true, only to make it easier for JB to facilitate the transition (gaming the system), then i have mixed feelings.

I don't know what JB knew or when he knew it, but having this become official at this date is ridiculous and damaging to our program. Grace is a lovely thing, but absent something akin to 'exigent circumstances,' i'm not in favor of letting TT 'skate' toward his whim.
Well, I'll certainly support whatever Boeheim decides to do. ...

AHA, I knew it!

Seriously, this one seems pretty simple. What does SU stand to gain/lose if they release him? If they don't?

On one hand, the program can wash its hands of a problem and not worry about it ever again.

Or they can take the vengeful path. It wouldn't dissuade any future confused kid from doing what Thompson did, but it would give every coach one more negative recruiting point to use against Syracuse (and a legitimate one in this instance) and it'd give the NCAA another arrow for its quiver of things it hates about Boeheim (assuming that narrative has some truth to it). All for what? To be as petty and unprofessional as some 20-year-old nitwit? Nothing positive comes from that.
Just read on a Seton Hall forum that he absolutely wasn't on campus there. Not sure if it's true but just posting it on here, one of their moderators posted this.

Spoke to someone at the Hall who is is very close to the program and he told me he absolutely wasn't on campus.
AHA, I knew it!

Seriously, this one seems pretty simple. What does SU stand to gain/lose if they release him? If they don't?

On one hand, the program can wash its hands of a problem and not worry about it ever again.

Or they can take the vengeful path. It wouldn't dissuade any future confused kid from doing what Thompson did, but it would give every coach one more negative recruiting point to use against Syracuse (and a legitimate one in this instance) and it'd give the NCAA another arrow for its quiver of things it hates about Boeheim (assuming that narrative has some truth to it). All for what? To be as petty and unprofessional as some 20-year-old nitwit? Nothing positive comes from that.
I don't think vengeance is the point. If anything, it's a straw man argument. What's at stake is the same principal that applied in the Jason Hart case -- the University's need, indeed its responsibility, to make timely decisions about recruiting and team composition. With classes already started and recruiting decisions completed, this is no longer just about Taurean and his Mom. He could have announced several months ago and no one would be crying foul. Instead, the circumstances couldn't be shadier. That's why there are tampering and transfer rules ... so we can figure out who's playing and recruit accordingly. The U owes that much to its fans and the other players on the team, notwithstanding that it may be temporarily inconvenient for one individual.
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Pull off the bandage quickly and cleanly w/ minimum damage. Let him go and be done with him, mommy, the whole ball of wax. If we involve ourselves in this soap opera, you can almost guarantee mommy or TT offering a completely different version of events to a muck-racking media. Say goodbye and good riddance.
Pull off the bandage quickly and cleanly w/ minimum damage. Let him go and be done with him, mommy, the whole ball of wax. If we involve ourselves in this soap opera, you can almost guarantee mommy or TT offering a completely different version of events to a muck-racking media. Say goodbye and good riddance.
Who cares?
Taurean is not the first SU big man to go into a social spiral after the sudden, unexpected loss of his position coach. At least it happened before rather than during the season.

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