Anyone else wondering why the dome needs to be replaced today | Page 3 |

Anyone else wondering why the dome needs to be replaced today

IthacaBarrel said:
OK... Where are the new academic buildings going to be built? Are they making more land?
You could buy a lot of land for short of 500 mil
You could buy a lot of land for short of 500 mil

Where are you going to put the academic buildings? No need to buy more land when you own the land the dome is sitting on. It's coming down. it just is, within the next 10 years. Buildings such as the dome have a definitive shelf life, the roof is entirely outdated, the layout is outdated, in addition once they start renovating it will open up Pandora's box with regard to new building and energy code. Like I said, I think the dome is a dump it needs to go. A new stadium will be great. just my 2 cents
How much is it going to cost you?
Where are you going to put the academic buildings? No need to buy more land when you own the land the dome is sitting on. It's coming down. it just is, within the next 10 years. Buildings such as the dome have a definitive shelf life, the roof is entirely outdated, the layout is outdated, in addition once they start renovating it will open up Pandora's box with regard to new building and energy code. Like I said, I think the dome is a dump it needs to go. A new stadium will be great. just my 2 cents
How much is it going to cost you?
No need to buy the land when you can build a dome with other people's money

you've gone soft. you're all upscale now. you need a wide concourse for your horse drawn carriage to escort you the 44 club for brie and zima. outdated concourses might mean that someone gets bud light on your ascot.

i think all this stuff is unnecessary. yankee stadium is the most expensive place ever and I just didn't care (i picked a good first game to go there - 2009 game six!)

my standards for what qualifies as a dump were established at the orange bowl (98 season). unplanned aqueducts of what looked and smelled like diarrhea flowing in every direction

replacing the roof every so often is way cheaper than whatever they're doing.

this just seems like if it ain't broke don't fix it - especially when it comes to spending other peoples money
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You can't move thru the hallways, bathrooms are impossible and concession lines block the hallways. In terms of the flow of people it cod be done so much better, which would help improve the overall experience.

Are you kidding? Can't speak for the women's bathroom, but with the state-of-the art beer-rental disposal system the little boys' room has, average time spent there is a minute or less--and that includes washing of the hands afterwards!
OK... Where are the new academic buildings going to be built? Are they making more land?

Yeah: all the vacant lots around the Dome that have been acquired for new construction.

It's also funny to see this speculation about SU's needing millions of square feet of new academic space. For what? Does anyone think that the board brought in a new chancellor to continue the recent (and unpopular) trend of increasing enrollment?

The university's developable space in the Dome's subdistrict is nearly maxed out. They're millions of square feet under the cap in the adjacent West Campus subdistrict. That land is cleared and ready for build-out. The bulk of whatever physical expansion is needed will take place there, at the northeast corner of Waverly and Crouse, and on the old Lehman block across from the new bookstore site.
Yeah: all the vacant lots around the Dome that have been acquired for new construction.

It's also funny to see this speculation about SU's needing millions of square feet of new academic space. For what? Does anyone think that the board brought in a new chancellor to continue the recent (and unpopular) trend of increasing enrollment?

The university's developable space in the Dome's subdistrict is nearly maxed out. They're millions of square feet under the cap in the adjacent West Campus subdistrict. That land is cleared and ready for build-out. The bulk of whatever physical expansion is needed will take place there, at the northeast corner of Waverly and Crouse, and on the old Lehman block across from the new bookstore site.

Whine all you want but I am quite confident that the dome won't be there in 10 years and rightfully so. It makes too much sense for too many entities and last time I checked the University doesn't need fan approval for this so get over it. They may put it on the backburner for 2-3 years but the long term plan is to tear it down and build new
No need to buy the land when you can build a dome with other people's money

you've gone soft. you're all upscale now. you need a wide concourse for your horse drawn carriage to escort you the 44 club for brie and zima. outdated concourses might mean that someone gets bud light on your ascot.

i think all this stuff is unnecessary. yankee stadium is the most expensive place ever and I just didn't care (i picked a good first game to go there - 2009 game six!)

my standards for what qualifies as a dump were established at the orange bowl (98 season). unplanned aqueducts of what looked and smelled like diarrhea flowing in every direction

replacing the roof every so often is way cheaper than whatever they're doing.

this just seems like if it ain't broke don't fix it - especially when it comes to spending other peoples money

That is great, I can't stop laughing at the Zima comment
Whine all you want but I am quite confident that the dome won't be there in 10 years and rightfully so. It makes too much sense for too many entities and last time I checked the University doesn't need fan approval for this so get over it. They may put it on the backburner for 2-3 years but the long term plan is to tear it down and build new
I said 15 years
Whine all you want but I am quite confident that the dome won't be there in 10 years and rightfully so. It makes too much sense for too many entities and last time I checked the University doesn't need fan approval for this so get over it. They may put it on the backburner for 2-3 years but the long term plan is to tear it down and build new

Not whining, just reiterating facts.

It's a fact that there are higher-ups at SU who are pushing hard for a new stadium. And I wouldn't bet you that the Dome won't be replaced within the next decade - that's a real possibility.

But it won't be for lack of academic space on campus or SU's desire to free up the Dome parcel for other uses.
My biggest issue with replacing the dome is that it will be off campus, which means no more on campus attendance records. I know...the horror !! Anyway, I am down with the building of a new stadium and hope that we (as fans) get all the expected experience as many of those southern schools have.
My biggest issue with replacing the dome is that it will be off campus, which means no more on campus attendance records. I know...the horror !! Anyway, I am down with the building of a new stadium and hope that we (as fans) get all the expected experience as many of those southern schools have.
park some trailer next to it for an adjunct and call it campus
Not whining, just reiterating facts.

It's a fact that there are higher-ups at SU who are pushing hard for a new stadium. And I wouldn't bet you that the Dome won't be replaced within the next decade - that's a real possibility.

But it won't be for lack of academic space on campus or SU's desire to free up the Dome parcel for other uses.

Are you a land use guy? Planner?
I remember people saying leaving Manley Field House would kill the program. How did that turn out?

Well, maybe so, but no comparison really imo. Syracuse was a local/regional program back then, playing the likes of St. Bonaventure, etc. in the ECAC game of week. The Dome just so happened to built at the perfect time. The advent of cable TV and ESPN (along with the Dome) launched SU's program into the stratosphere and became a national program. The Dome may be in need of some necessary improvements, but it certainly doesn't need to be replaced. It's recognized, not only nationally as an iconic structure, but internationally as well. No way a new stadium has anything close to the impact the Dome did, and still does as this past weekend attests. IMO, it's clearly unique and we should embrace and ride all that that entails for as long as we can.
The private boxes are all sold, there is a long waiting list to get one and the university has made several changes in recent years to create a couple of new ones. When the new Dome is built. It will have many more private boxes, especially on the basketball side, just like any modern facility and they will generate a lot more revenue and help pay the university's share of construction costs.
I just wonder why when you look at the boxes during a game most of then are almost completely empty? do people buy the boxes and the tickets are separate?
What, precisely, are the academic buildings the University wants to put where the Dome is? How many buildings could you put in that space and what are their value to the University vs. a Dome they own?
You can't move thru the hallways, bathrooms are impossible and concession lines block the hallways. In terms of the flow of people it cod be done so much better, which would help improve the overall experience.

Michigan just got done with hundreds of millions in renovations and it's still a nightmare getting around there. Maybe even moreso.

Newer does not necessarily mean better with regard to moving fans. New stadiums are about maximizing revenue. Having the entrance and internal maneuverability not being a pain isn't going to much affect that.
What, precisely, are the academic buildings the University wants to put where the Dome is? How many buildings could you put in that space and what are their value to the University vs. a Dome they own?

Hopefully build a new or expand the engineering college. Link is a dump that needs replacing with a much more modern facility.

We have a great alumni base in engineering, we should have a facility that reflects that.
Michigan just got done with hundreds of millions in renovations and it's still a nightmare getting around there. Maybe even moreso.

Newer does not necessarily mean better with regard to moving fans. New stadiums are about maximizing revenue. Having the entrance and internal maneuverability not being a pain isn't going to much affect that.

If new stadiums are about maximizing revenue, why move into a smaller one? I wouldn't mind this so much if we were moving into a larger facility with the parking around it. This new place isn't going to "revitalize a neighborhood" if people get off of buses to go to the game and get back on them when it's over. If we're going to move into something better, make it something better.
What, precisely, are the academic buildings the University wants to put where the Dome is? How many buildings could you put in that space and what are their value to the University vs. a Dome they own?

They are going to have to do major renovations on the Hall of Languages and Crouse College (the 2 really old buildings at the peak of the hill). Classes are going to have to be moved for probably a couple years while that work is ongoing.
just build it at destiny and pretend that was the plan all along. bring back the train from school to make it easy for the kids. tailgate, eat at 20 places see a movie after..
They are going to have to do major renovations on the Hall of Languages and Crouse College (the 2 really old buildings at the peak of the hill). Classes are going to have to be moved for probably a couple years while that work is ongoing.
the cornell campus going thru that stuff now, the main road thru campus closed for 2 years for construction of a couple bldgs, the baseball field going back to lou gerhig about 2 years away from turning into a bldg, but the biggest dump on the campus the football field is going strong.. the only sport that makes money Lynah was not rebuilt but modified because the coaches thought a new bldg would not bring the same home field advantage. new concourses that are way too crowded, bath room issues, food lines that are congested, and seats half the size of what the dome has.. and its still loved..
Well, maybe so, but no comparison really imo. Syracuse was a local/regional program back then, playing the likes of St. Bonaventure, etc. in the ECAC game of week. The Dome just so happened to built at the perfect time. The advent of cable TV and ESPN (along with the Dome) launched SU's program into the stratosphere and became a national program. The Dome may be in need of some necessary improvements, but it certainly doesn't need to be replaced. It's recognized, not only nationally as an iconic structure, but internationally as well. No way a new stadium has anything close to the impact the Dome did, and still does as this past weekend attests. IMO, it's clearly unique and we should embrace and ride all that that entails for as long as we can.
You're kidding me right. You don't think having a retractable roof state of the stadium with new locker rooms better press areas and ... Would be an upgrade over a concrete walled building with a bubble on top. Get real. Syracuse would not downgrade anything. Whatever they do will be an upgrade and will be player and fan friendly. As for on campus attendance. How about 44k at a duke game with sight lines for every seat in the house.
They are going to have to do major renovations on the Hall of Languages and Crouse College (the 2 really old buildings at the peak of the hill). Classes are going to have to be moved for probably a couple years while that work is ongoing.

Are they going to renovate them or move them to where the Dome is ?
just build it at destiny and pretend that was the plan all along. bring back the train from school to make it easy for the kids. tailgate, eat at 20 places see a movie after..

That would be the best thing for the overall fan experience.

SU has 13k undergrads and relies on non alum locals more than most college programs. That fact needs to be taken into account when determining location, but more likely than not "urban renewal" will trump common sense.

The inner harbor area has the best combination of existing infrastructure, road net, open, flat, cleared, land, and least disruptive during construction. Talk about shovel ready.

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