Give me a song to pump me up! | Page 5 |

Give me a song to pump me up!


Definitely gets me pumped up. I usually have 1 staple karaoke song, and this is NOT it. I tried to do soooo well, but my PEDs did the opposite. Not sure how Jim managed it...???
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THIS THREAD WAS MADE FOR ME WITH MY PROCLIVITY TO POST YOUTUBE VIDEOS, ESPECIALLY MUSIC! I actually thought of this while I was showering before the last game, in addition to the "what are you drinking" thread!!!

Anyhow, here is my staple karaoke song, it gets me pumped and is based on a Thin Lizzy song that is based on a semi ancient Irish folk song!!! The last time I was in The Village I had people giving me hugs after this. ****, if they have karaoke in Houston yet and any of you landlubbers want to see THE Captain rock, I want you to witness it more than whats left of my killer crossover!

For anyone whose paid attention(to me, lol), this one needs no explanation and should be worthy of a grin...but it's kind of motivating music, at least: (UNC will be ran over by the Cuse Night Train!!!!)

I always loved how this song mocked the wanna be "gangsta" types, kind of the "act like youve been there" where you get in the end zone mentality. I hope for this type of confidence with the Cuse on the court. More an "it it what it is" song that makes me feel happy about life.

(edit II:Mods, i tell you that you have nothing to worry about in this. I dont wish to make your perceived jobs more difficult. This is something for everyone and nothing which could expose your nefarious activities, but read it if you wish)
(edit, I put out for this ****, you SOBs Some nights, some posts, some states, I leave it all on the floor for you ingrates! I dont know if I succeed in reaching (m)any of you, but I think some of you recognize I try!)
Sh**, I'm checking in after failing to stay sober tonight. You know how you may wake up in the morning and you may ask yourself, "why do my sinuses kinda sting?". Well yesterday afternoon that's what I did. I said with just a coupla days left, I gotta go everything I can...including no drinking, no caffeine/ephedrine to wake me up. I made good on the latter too, but this board ****ed me up on the first one. I'm kinda shitfaced from Irish Cream and Natty Light and an omelette I cooked. A handfull of people may have enjoyed the mofo'ing effort I put out for most of you ingrates, with this post meant to be as an example unto the world!!!

In my estimation, I'm not sure if anyone on here(myself included) fully gets what this song is about. But...I will tell you that I was invoking this song with folks as I pleaded with them at my Cuse Castaway bar to come to the Final F***. Hell, even an underdog like me managed to pull it out of my @$$, how could not all these wealthier squares, right? The title is, "Once In A Lifetime", which it is for many of the players and fans involved!

Thing is, they didnt even know what song I was talking about. Nor would likely a single one have grasped the fringes of the meaning. But I said it for the TITLE(belt), "Once In a Lifetime"(which may not mean much to the high rollers here). But the message is there for those who can see it. The more I say the less it means. Here, look at the top 2 entries on one of which "coincidentally" is about a final 4!

  • (Entry 1)My Opinion:I was driving to Denver to see the final four for Women's basketball. It was a once in a lifetime experience, particularly for the seniors that would be playing the game.

    I was alone. I was to meet my dad who had recently underwent open heart surgery and was now recovering nicely.

    The car I was driving was big, blue (the color of water), and old. I wondered if it would make the distance or would break down, but so what, I'm a man, resourceful, with 2 legs, big, strong, what do I have to fear?

    It was late.

    I've had money or thought I had money at certain points in my life, but not at that minute as I drove on the dark and desolate highway, somewhere in Iowa. I heard the sounds of irrigation sprinklers in the distance. The air smelled fresh, clean, with just a hint of fertilizer, but muted.

    My wife is beautiful, but she thought I was crazy for driving across the country to see some women play a game. When I originally purchased my house, it was so new, so important to me, now it seems like such piece of crap. My kids are doing well in school but doing their own thing.

    I am alone and it is wonderous.

    Well, how did I get here?

    I know how, it was based on preconceptions of things I had to do, on a path I felt oblidged to take, to pursue, wife, house, job, kids, all on "autopilot," of course always with the idea of a "plan," that fulfilled yields emptiness and like a tear in an ocean means nothing, but seems like it does. Ultimately, it is an expression of possibilities, limitless opportunity unfettered by what we think we need to obtain, total freedom, not a nihilistic expression of nothingness, but of choice and movement, like water around obstacles. Mid life, either a regret of things undone, or possibilities to explore.

    It was like tasting ice cream for the first time, what a wonderful song.
    ifinallygetiton April 19, 2012 Link
(Entry 2)The first time I really listened closely to this song I was on acid, and kept asking my RA about existance, and whether or not people actually exist. He showed me the video for this song (he owned the DVD) to help explain some things. I will say right now, that I have a completly different view than the rest of you, due to that experience.

The way I interpret this song, is when you are not questioning, you are "letting the days go by." If you don't continiously question existance, you are not doing your job as a human being. Life is about discovering who you are, and discoveries are made by inquiry. The water part of the song is the key to everything in it. Water is pure, it is the most essential part of life for all creatures. However, water is what is keeping us from discovery, it is the barrier between us and god, us and nirvana, us and serenity.

However, if you go though life without questioning what you have, and who you are, you'll still have all these great things (beautiful house, beautiful wife), as you are being held together by the water. It will always be there to support you, but at the same time it is holding you down.
p3nguinpi3on June 18, 2004 Link

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Van Morrisons "Here comes the night" Lyrics changed to Here comes SU, we gonna beat you, You gonna be through, Nothing you can do, When we wipe the floor with you,
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I've been waiting a few years for someone to make a March Madness version of this. Really liked this Nelly song when it first came out few years back for the Bowl Games. IMHO, one of the best sports related songs I've heard. Really captures the moment.
Some of the next might not be that upbeat and within context, but journey.
Replying to my own post, but meh. Bah. Besides, it's important.
Forward 1:10 into this video. Look familiar? Lydon. Rico. Journey. They're frikkin twins for crying out loud in the video!
All meant to be, really. Ponder the following: What's the kid's record with the stache? Ya hah. You betcha.

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