I don’t know. I figured it out in January.It's pretty easy to find the list of Trump inconsistencies. You can't miss it actually, because it's low hanging fruit that people love (and they're not necessarily wrong).
But de Blasio and Pelosi are playing hindsight police, preying on how dumb they think everyone in this country really is (and they're not necessarily wrong about that either).
The timeline is clear, but they know the sheeple live in the now.
This happening in a Presidential election year has made it all so much worse. I'm not normally a conspiracy theorist, but man, that's some timing...
Was Trump absolutely correct in shutting down travel from China? Resoundingly yes, and those who opposed him (mostly on the left - Pelosi, Biden, etc.) were very wrong. So to that extent, yes, history should be tempered by the reality that there are very few saints. But trying to paint this pandemic as electioneering or trying manufacture a timeline where Trump was just a guy in a crowd isn’t intellectually honest. The President carries a special power, and his viewpoint was absolutely and outlier from others in a very negative way. The 33,397 Americans who died due to COVID aren’t faking it to change an election, and they didn’t purposely contract the disease, either.
We saw what happened in China, Iran, South Korea, Italy, Spain (to a lesser extent), and France (to a lesser extent), and we saw how they reacted. We knew what was coming, and he absolutely did downplay the threat with hopes that it would disappear by some miracle.