Are you a proponent of all vaccinations all the time? I don't dispute you about the effectiveness of many vaccines...smallpox included.
But a flu shot does not eradicate the disease ...hence you have to get it every year ...and I've heard it's a crap shoot on if it's even effective preventing you from contracting it on a year-to-year basis, since the proper strands are not necessarily accounted for in any given flu shot
All you are doing is just pumping your body full of stuff without a guarantee of prevention ...and if you don't take it (like I have on many occasions) you aren't guaranteed to get the flu either.
I just don't know which way to turn on this debate. I guess if a Covid vaccine is guaranteed to work, and it won't affect your ability to have children ...or to have mutant children (exaggeration intended) I might be for it. Maybe. But could there be other potential health side effects that would make it not worth it for an otherwise healthy person?