This forum and fan negativity |

This forum and fan negativity


Aug 26, 2011
I know that Doug is disguted with lack of fan support and the negative fans

I feel that this board is major contributor to that problem. For the past year this forum was almost unreadable with its plethora of contunous negative posts. It was just awful actually. It was many people and you know who you are. Everyone of you was dead wrong on your crtiticisms of the staff and the decisions that they made.

This is the main internet forum and this is a powerful medium, maybe more so than the PS itself. This forum is a major force in the mindset of the fan base as a whole. So the perpetual negative posting takes a toll on the program. So if we lose Doug consider yourselves as a major force contributing to him leaving.
So, is everyone supposed to be thrilled with what's going on 100% of the time?
Marrone needs to find another profession (Dentist?) if negativity from fans is a factor in his leaving, because he will be going from the frying pan into the fire when he heads over to the NFL.
Marrone admitted at a luncheon this year that he had the athletic department set-up a facebook and twitter account so he could get a positive message out to recruits because of the negative comments on the internet. He primarily referred to the Syracuse.Com board and the posts made by a guy named Florida Steve. He claimed that they have lost recruits in the past due to all the negativity on the internet and they are now directing recruits to go to the twitter, facebook, and SU internet sites for their info about SU football.
I agree partially but look Doug Marrone has a shot to be a head coach in the NFL there are only 32 of those jobs, to be even considered is fantastic but to get interviews is great for him. How can anybody turn that down? The fan support is not overall great here and some fans go overboard but hey did you read the FSU or WVU forums after there losses? I mean Holgerson in WVU is on the hot seat according to their fans.

I think this is way deeper than just fan support, any person alive looks to the future and what is best for them and the family(dont forget this aspect).

This might be just the perfect storm for SU but the perfect opportunity for a good man.
Marrone admitted at a luncheon this year that he had the athletic department set-up a facebook and twitter account so he could get a positive message out to recruits because of the negative comments on the internet. He primarily referred to the Syracuse.Com board and the posts made by a guy named Florida Steve. He claimed that they have lost recruits in the past due to all the negativity on the internet and they are now directing recruits to go to the twitter, facebook, and SU internet sites for their info about SU football.
So he was proactive in that regard, which seems like a good move on his part. The reality is that negative recruiting happens all over and not just against poor little Syracuse. I'm convinced that other teams have plants on competitors boards to put out disinformation and negativity.
Marrone needs to find another profession (Dentist?) if negativity from fans is a factor in his leaving, because he will be going from the frying pan into the fire when he heads over to the NFL.
Trying having some damn pride in the program like other schools have. All I saw for the past year was just awful I avoided this board because it was so bad and I know others did too. All the program and Marrone bashing was just disgusting and simply ignorant. It had an effect on the fan base. Thousands of people read these e posts everyday. What you write here has meaning and people believe it
I think negativity from fans could be more tolerated if they showed up to games. a sold out dome with some unhappy campers is tolerable but when only 40 thousand show up and then you hear all the critics its hard to take. Like I said this is much more than fan support this may be about leverage or about opportunity or both, perhaps lack of fan support may play a part and negativty may also be a part.

Common though if you were asked to interview for one of only 32 jobs in the world, would you not at least be tempted?
Bububut it keeps me from kicking the dog!

Actually, I thought things were tolerable around here even after the RU game. Check out any Bills board right now, they're going absolutely Fukushima over Russ Brandon taking the reins from Ralph.
I know that Doug is disguted with lack of fan support and the negative fans

I feel that this board is major contributor to that problem. For the past year this forum was almost unreadable with its plethora of contunous negative posts. It was just awful actually. It was many people and you know who you are. Everyone of you was dead wrong on your crtiticisms of the staff and the decisions that they made.

This is the main internet forum and this is a powerful medium, maybe more so than the PS itself. This forum is a major force in the mindset of the fan base as a whole. So the perpetual negative posting takes a toll on the program. So if we lose Doug consider yourselves as a major force contributing to him leaving.
I know that it is a no win situation to argue with fans. I also believe that the overall fan support to us sport is pretty good. What bothers me is the negativity and lack of vision from members of some of core fan base in this board. Many senior members of this board openly blamed tgd for the USC game in MetLife instead of trying to educate fans for necessity of the arrangement. The reality is the su football is no longer a big draw in the regular public eyes other than those who knows the past well. The college fb landscape also changed significantly in the past few years in the sense that fan support (viewship) is more import than the product itself.
Some time I cannot help but think that we need our version of the nuts and al to promote su football regardless what the real situation is. I don't care wether you call they elusional or passionate.
I also feel that tHis board needs to open to more new members particularly younger students.
Trying having some damn pride in the program like other schools have. All I saw for the past year was just awful I avoided this board because it was so bad and I know others did too. All the program and Marrone bashing was just disgusting and simply ignorant. It had an effect on the fan base. Thousands of people read these e posts everyday. What you write here has meaning and people believe it
Total B.S.. Doug can't just expect blind faith. We lost 5 games in a row last year to finish the season. This year, we were 2-4. Not to mention while Doug was in the NFL, we were suffering with g-rob. Bow we win 6 of 7. And beat the crap out of WVU and Louisville. The excitment is building. If Doug gets a chance for an NFL job, great for him. But doin't try and blame the fans for anything. comment section has been the worst thing for the program(s) possible.

The fact they allow the that gets posted on there to remain is a serious issue.

Kids who do not know much about Syracuse at first, the first site they go to is and the football forum / articles. The crap they see leaves very negative perceptions with them. Then they visit, and there are only 34k at the Dome for a game against a ranked team and the atmosphere sucks ... put two and two together, and (besides 4) you get a kid not coming to Syracuse (unless he is an opponent).
I know that it is a no win situation to argue with fans. I also believe that the overall fan support to us sport is pretty good. What bothers me is the negativity and lack of vision from members of some of core fan base in this board. Many senior members of this board openly blamed tgd for the USC game in MetLife instead of trying to educate fans for necessity of the arrangement. The reality is the su football is no longer a big draw in the regular public eyes other than those who knows the past well. The college fb landscape also changed significantly in the past few years in the sense that fan support (viewship) is more import than the product itself.
Some time I cannot help but think that we need our version of the nuts and al to promote su football regardless what the real situation is. I don't care wether you call they elusional or passionate.
I also feel that tHis board needs to open to more new members particularly younger students.
LOL of which you might be one?? And it was the younger members that made the chat room a cess pool during last seasons 34-3 basketball season. We want all the good posters we can get here. Great debate is great.
should we hurry and send an MLK day card? Is it too early for a Valentine's day card?
I know that Doug is disguted with lack of fan support and the negative fans

I feel that this board is major contributor to that problem. For the past year this forum was almost unreadable with its plethora of contunous negative posts. It was just awful actually. It was many people and you know who you are. Everyone of you was dead wrong on your crtiticisms of the staff and the decisions that they made.

This is the main internet forum and this is a powerful medium, maybe more so than the PS itself. This forum is a major force in the mindset of the fan base as a whole. So the perpetual negative posting takes a toll on the program. So if we lose Doug consider yourselves as a major force contributing to him leaving.[/quote
This forum has largely been supportive. We sent a group ecard thanking coach and the staff with 141
signatures. Did you sign it?
Trying having some damn pride in the program like other schools have. All I saw for the past year was just awful I avoided this board because it was so bad and I know others did too. All the program and Marrone bashing was just disgusting and simply ignorant. It had an effect on the fan base. Thousands of people read these e posts everyday. What you write here has meaning and people believe it
I think there is a normal ebb and flow of fan opinion as the season unwinds. There were people speaking positively, even after starting out 2-4. You shouldn't abandon ship and skip the board because of negative comments from some. You should pitch in add your opinion, which when you think about it is what these boards are all about to begin with.
I know that Doug is disguted with lack of fan support and the negative fans

I feel that this board is major contributor to that problem. For the past year this forum was almost unreadable with its plethora of contunous negative posts. It was just awful actually. It was many people and you know who you are. Everyone of you was dead wrong on your crtiticisms of the staff and the decisions that they made.

This is the main internet forum and this is a powerful medium, maybe more so than the PS itself. This forum is a major force in the mindset of the fan base as a whole. So the perpetual negative posting takes a toll on the program. So if we lose Doug consider yourselves as a major force contributing to him leaving.

No offense but this post is so off base its not even funny,. This board is not a major force in the mindset of the fanbase, on its best day Syracusefan has maybe maybe 10% of the overrall fan base, this board has had zero to do with Marrones concerns or lack of fan support. In case you didnt notice this is a syracuse sports board, the people on here are for the most part the diehards of the program most of which go to games, travel to see the team and hold season tickets for multiple sports. To insinuate the negative posts on here take any toll on the program is ludicrous. The problem is 75% of people in Syracuse and the alumni dont give a about SU football period, thats the issue. The football team lost a whole generation of fans with a decade of ineptitude toped only by Rutgers in the 80' and 90's. If you honestly think negative posts on this board have anythign to do with Marrone leaving you dont know college football.
should we hurry and send an MLK day card? Is it too early for a Valentine's day card?
Never too early for a Valentine's Day card. Or maybe a "Thinking of you . . . . ."
This forum is not the problem. forum is. Not moderated properly. And if Doug thinks fans turn on him here, wait till he gets an NFL job.

But I honestly don't believe any of this is the problem. Recruiting takes you away from family, is a headache in and of itself, and has been difficult at Syracuse the past couple years. In the NFL, you don't have to recruit and you still get paid good money.

That's what I believe the bottom line is.

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