Hard hitting analysis:
-Dwan is statistically our best offensive weapon and if the coaches were smart they'd get him 10-15 shots a game MINIMUM. Maybe switch him and Joey on the field? Chess not checkers.
-The announcer's pronunciation of Christian Mule's last name was awesome. "Tell me you did zero prep without telling me you did zero prep."
-How can these small D1 schools like Hobart not afford a decent video camera? Just fire one gender studies professor and head over to Best Buy with the money you saved. This isn't hard.
-This past week UNC's defense fell apart against unranked Hight Point and we shut down the best offense in the country. Odierna is looking like a home run hire and his man-down strategy has been a revelation that will be copied (this forum crushed him for it earler in the year).
It takes big cojones to sell your boss/head coach on it as well. "So hear me out...when we're down a man and the most pressure is on - let's take out our best defenders...and put in the less talented ones...why are you looking at me like that?"