Hunt |



2nd String
Sep 20, 2011
Heard a rumor that's he's been putting up ridiculous numbers in flag football so far this spring.
Heard a rumor that's he's been putting up ridiculous numbers in flag football so far this spring.
Now that Spring Football is over, is he eligible to workout with his team mates?
Will be sad if he ends up wasting a year because of the shop lifting.
I agree, Doug was an idiot on this. We have politicians and coaches that have done far worse and seen no consequences.

Agree in principle. I'm not saying HCDM's an idiot--just that discipline can come in many forms. I wouldn't remotely have an issue with Hunt being forced to earn his way back into the coach's good graces by being put through all sorts of trials. 6am workouts 3 times per week all offseason, extra workouts that his teammates aren't saddled with, S & C requirements that are above and beyond what the team is subjected to, a higher GPA requirement than the rest of the team, a ZERO tolerance policy for any further transgressions, restricting him from participating in the spring game, etc.

I would have liked to see Hunt be allowed to participate in spring ball, and forced to live up to any and all of the above [or whatever other punishments the coaching staff deems appropriate]--but forcing him to sit out spring ball seems like cutting off your nose to spite your face.

And for the record--I'm not rooting for Hunt over Broyld or anything like that. Christ, I just hope one of them pans out. It's been a 13 year drought.
I agree, Doug was an idiot on this. We have politicians and coaches that have done far worse and seen no consequences.

If Marrone has anything other than a zero tolerance policy for stealing, especially after the Malcolm Cater incident, then feel free to call him an idiot. If you lack trust, good luck in having a winning team environment. I seriously question your values with a comment like that. It's not Marrone's fault that Hunt decided to put himself above the team and be a dope.
I 3rd the opinion that Doug was an idiot on this. Based on what information is publicly available ... a major idiot.
If Marrone has anything other than a zero tolerance policy for stealing, especially after the Malcolm Cater incident, then feel free to call him an idiot. If you lack trust, good luck in having a winning team environment. I seriously question your values with a comment like that. It's not Marrone's fault that Hunt decided to put himself above the team and be a dope.
Stealing some fragrance vs. stealing from teammates. Add in that he just lost his parents, Hunt should not be mentioned in same breath as Cater.
How many people here calling Doug an idiot have also praised his "life skills" program? Seems to me like this is one of the lessons he is trying to enstill in the team.

Doug was 100% right in suspending Hunt, anyone who thinks otherwise is nuts. Making the argument that others have done worse and gotten less punishment is juvenile.

With all that being said, I agree that the length seems extreme. I wonder if there's more to the hunt story than we know (I.e. academic issues, attitude issues,etc)?
If Marrone has anything other than a zero tolerance policy for stealing, especially after the Malcolm Cater incident, then feel free to call him an idiot. If you lack trust, good luck in having a winning team environment. I seriously question your values with a comment like that. It's not Marrone's fault that Hunt decided to put himself above the team and be a dope.
Really? So taking a $40 bottle of cologne is the same as Cater, Miller, etc? I never said not to discipline the kid, I said he was an idiot for how harsh the punishment was. It has been proven that if kids are involved in extra-cirriculars they are much less likely to do things, such as stealing, fights, etc. This punishment was counter-productive in anyway imaginable. How would you like to lose both your parents and have to take care of your brothers and sisters at 17 years old? I seriously question your values if you don't see the issues with this punishment, especially given the circumstances that he is the sort of kid that never got in trouble, was a good student, and stepped up when his parents died. Crime is the product of social conditions when talking about this crime level.
How many people here calling Doug an idiot have also praised his "life skills" program? Seems to me like this is one of the lessons he is trying to enstill in the team.

Doug was 100% right in suspending Hunt, anyone who thinks otherwise is nuts. Making the argument that others have done worse and gotten less punishment is juvenile.

With all that being said, I agree that the length seems extreme. I wonder if there's more to the hunt story than we know (I.e. academic issues, attitude issues,etc)?

Tremendously sanctimonious post. Par for the course with what you've been posting lately--regardless of what your background is.

I still maintain that there were a lot of ways for Hunt to be punished. He shoplifted a trivial item--let's not equate what he did to a more serious transgression. He didn't assault anyone. He didn't commit academic fraud. He wasn't caught doing drugs or underage drinking. His violation happened off campus, and had nothing to do with the university.

Did he deserve to be punished? Absolutely. Did that punishment absolutely have to be a suspension? Not necessarily. There are literally 1,000,000 punishments that Marrone could have imposed that would have been more arduous, tested Hunt's commitement more, and forced him to prove himself more than suspending him. Anyone who thinks otherwise is nuts.
Tremendously sanctimonious post. Par for the course with what you've been posting lately--regardless of what your background is.

I still maintain that there were a lot of ways for Hunt to be punished. He shoplifted a trivial item--let's not equate what he did to a more serious transgression. He didn't assault anyone. He didn't commit academic fraud. His violation happened off campus, and had nothing to do with the university.

Did he deserve to be punished? Absolutely. Did that punishment absolutely have to be a suspension? Not necessarily. Anyone who thinks otherwise is nuts.
or juvenile
"RF2044, post: 275173, member: 40"]Agree in principle. I'm not saying HCDM's an idiot--just that discipline can come in many forms. I wouldn't remotely have an issue with Hunt being forced to earn his way back into the coach's good graces by being put through all sorts of trials. 6am workouts 3 times per week all offseason, extra workouts that his teammates aren't saddled with, S & C requirements that are above and beyond what the team is subjected to, a higher GPA requirement than the rest of the team, a ZERO tolerance policy for any further transgressions, restricting him from participating in the spring game, etc.

I would have liked to see Hunt be allowed to participate in spring ball, and forced to live up to any and all of the above [or whatever other punishments the coaching staff deems appropriate]--but forcing him to sit out spring ball seems like cutting off your nose to spite your face.

And for the record--I'm not rooting for Hunt over Broyld or anything like that. Christ, I just hope one of them pans out. It's been a 13 year drought.[/quote]

I don't love all the things Marrone does...but suspending Hunt for shoplifting is something I totally support and admire. While success last year did not meet expectations, he shows no BS judgment to build a successful culture the right way discipline wise. Kudos to him here.
Am I the only one who can't tell if the original post was meant as sarcasm?
It is something I have overheard a group of his friends talking about earlier today. There may have been a hint of sarcasm in there since I think his suspension for the entire spring was ridiculous.
"RF2044, post: 275173, member: 40"]Agree in principle. I'm not saying HCDM's an idiot--just that discipline can come in many forms. I wouldn't remotely have an issue with Hunt being forced to earn his way back into the coach's good graces by being put through all sorts of trials. 6am workouts 3 times per week all offseason, extra workouts that his teammates aren't saddled with, S & C requirements that are above and beyond what the team is subjected to, a higher GPA requirement than the rest of the team, a ZERO tolerance policy for any further transgressions, restricting him from participating in the spring game, etc.

I would have liked to see Hunt be allowed to participate in spring ball, and forced to live up to any and all of the above [or whatever other punishments the coaching staff deems appropriate]--but forcing him to sit out spring ball seems like cutting off your nose to spite your face.

And for the record--I'm not rooting for Hunt over Broyld or anything like that. Christ, I just hope one of them pans out. It's been a 13 year drought.

I don't love all the things Marrone does...but suspending Hunt for shoplifting is something I totally support and admire. While success last year did not meet expectations, he shows no BS judgment to build a successful culture the right way discipline wise. Kudos to him here.

"Discipline" doesn't need to automatically equate to "suspension." There are plenty of ways for Marrone to teach that same life lesson that would have been just as impactful, if not more.

I actually don't disagree with your point. I'm glad that we have a head coach who doesn't compromise on discipline. do you explain Delone Carter two seasons ago? How does Carter's transgression--an assault--compare to Hunt's shoplifting in terms of appropriate punishment? Are they on par? From what we hear [from afar], Marrone imposed a ton of penalties on Carter that Carter fulfilled in the offseason. Once those conditions had been satisfied, he was back in the coaching staff's good graces. Was he suspended? Was he prevented from sitting out spring ball?

Penalties come in many forms--I have no problem with Marrone being a hard ass, or imposing tough penalties for these kids to overcome to earn their way back onto the team. But suspension in and of suspension is counter-productive. And given the nature of the transgression, I would have rather have seen Hunt running suicides 5 times per week for three months at 6am then prevented from practicing.
Now that Spring Football is over, is he eligible to workout with his team mates?

Yes his suspension is over. Now he needs to play catch up. He will be fine...
Tremendously sanctimonious post. Par for the course with what you've been posting lately--regardless of what your background is.

I still maintain that there were a lot of ways for Hunt to be punished. He shoplifted a trivial item--let's not equate what he did to a more serious transgression. He didn't assault anyone. He didn't commit academic fraud. He wasn't caught doing drugs or underage drinking. His violation happened off campus, and had nothing to do with the university.

Did he deserve to be punished? Absolutely. Did that punishment absolutely have to be a suspension? Not necessarily. There are literally 1,000,000 punishments that Marrone could have imposed that would have been more arduous, tested Hunt's commitement more, and forced him to prove himself more than suspending him. Anyone who thinks otherwise is nuts.

I'm sorry if I sound sanctimonious for believing that a kid who is held to a higher standard due to the fact that he is a scholarship member of the local BCS football program should be suspended for stealing from the local mall. I don't care if it was a $40 bottle of cologne or a $500 television, stealing is stealing. Or was I sanctimonious because I said if you thought otherwise you are nuts? Because I am sticking by that one. I have criticized HCDM as much as anyone but not with regards to team discipline.

If you had read past my first two paragraphs you would have read that I agreed the length seemed extreme and that I suspect there is more to Hunt's story than just this one incident.
There is no way that we as fans can know what a suitable punishment should be in any one situation. HCDM sees these guys on a daily basis, and he is responsible for them. If he decides it's warranted to suspend Hunt for the Spring, I have no issue with that.

The Spring between Frosh and Soph years is critical in the development of a QB. Hunt missed his chance. It remains to be seen whether or not he will be able to get back on track successfully. If he does, and can keep his S@#% together, good for him. If not, it is not HCDM's fault.
So, is this the way we think the conversation should have gone?
HCDM: Terrell, you've let yourself down. You've let your teammates down. You've let the University down. What am I going to do with you?
Hunt: Coach, my parents are dead.
HCDM: Oh, yeah. Well, drop and give me twenty. See you at practice.
I'm sorry if I sound sanctimonious for believing that a kid who is held to a higher standard due to the fact that he is a scholarship member of the local BCS football program should be suspended for stealing from the local mall. I don't care if it was a $40 bottle of cologne or a $500 television, stealing is stealing. Or was I sanctimonious because I said if you thought otherwise you are nuts? Because I am sticking by that one. I have criticized HCDM as much as anyone but not with regards to team discipline.

If you had read past my first two paragraphs you would have read that I agreed the length seemed extreme and that I suspect there is
more to Hunt's story than just this one incident.

Given this latest response, I think that you are sanctimonious because you lack perspective and are spouting absolutist dogma.

Because if you don't recognize that there is a difference between players being punished for beating up their classmates, hitting their girlfriends, doing drugs, committing stupid ass drinking-related violations, cheating in school, or committing felonies versus fairly minor infractions, then I'm happy to disagree with your take, and contend that you are the one who is nuts.

As noted above, I'd love to see you reconcile how the coaching staff handled the Delone Carter situation two years ago with how Hunt was handled this year.

I'm absolutely not arguing that shoplifting isn't a punishable offense,I'm saying that a minor off-campus incident didn't warrant the penalty that was imposed. I would have much rather seen Marrone either (a) boot him if the issue is truly as black and white as you claim, or (b) seen penalties more in line with the precedent established by how the coaching staff handled Delone Carter's incident, given the nature of Hunt's transgression.

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