Things not to look forward to for the 2022 Syracuse University Football program. The Schedule, continued lack of depth, continued injuries contributing to the lack of depth, lack of player development, inadequate recruiting, bad in game coaching, lack of a vertical passing game, the tight end listed as a missing person, continued offensive line shuffling that leads to bad pass protection, the lack of a real center, receivers who can't beat press coverage and on the rare ocassion that they do, they drop the pass of it lands five feet in front of them. The entire defensive line graduated, the secondary is shaky and we have no field goal kicker and a shaky punting duo. Things to look forward too, Sean Tucker hopefully. After the last three years, it's really tough to get at all excited that this program is headed in the right direction. I sure as heck hope I am proved wrong because I am sick and tired of hearing wait until next year, it will be better. It never is!