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No spinning this


Bored Historian
Aug 26, 2011
Army 45 Tulane 6

Syracuse 37 Tulane 34

UTEP 44 Tulane 7

Army is 2-4 and UTEP 3-3. We are 4-2 but we've just got to become a better football team than this.
Army 45 Tulane 6

Syracuse 37 Tulane 34

UTEP 44 Tulane 7

Army is 2-4 and UTEP 3-3. We are 4-2 but we've just got to become a better
football team than this.

Here we go again with this nonsense
Syracuse 36 Wake Forest 29
Wake Forest 35 Florida State 30

Syracuse > Florida State? I don't think so. I get your point, but honestly don't care about style points. As Al Davis said Just Win Baby. When we are competing for the BCS MNC then style points will matter.
I dont think you can really say rutgers was a bad game.. other than the Int's and blocked kicks. We pretty much controlled the game and moved the ball, we just failed to score because of the mistakes we controlled. probably turned a 30 pt effort in 13 with the mistakes a couple players made at key times. much different than going 1 quarter without moving the ball vs Tulane.. The D played poorly vs Tulane but really only for 1 quarter and a couple plays after the half.
we play up and down to our competition to an alarming degree
Syracuse 36 Wake Forest 29
Wake Forest 35 Florida State 30

Syracuse > Florida State? I don't think so. I get your point, but honestly don't care about style points. As Al Davis said Just Win Baby. When we are competing for the BCS MNC then style points will matter.

It's not about style points. It's about being good enough to do well in our remaining games.
It's not about style points. It's about being good enough to do well in our remaining games.
Syracuse plays to the level of their competition I see us being able to win 2-3 more games this year as long as we stay somewhat healthy. UConn, Louisville, USF, Cincinnati, Pittsburgh all have warts like we do and if the OL holds up and we can get some stops on D we will be fine. The goal for this year is a bowl game, next year is a top 3 finish, 2 years is a Big East championship/or compete for the ACC division title.
we play up and down to our competition to an alarming degree

That is a cop-out excuse! Especially with THIS YEARS SU team. SU has played poor in every game this year. This "playing down" to the competition is a nice sound-bite to say to your friends at the bar or at the office, but its total BS on every level.

What game has SU played "up" in to give us the other side? And don't say USC because Syracuse did not play well vs USC.
Army 45 Tulane 6

Syracuse 37 Tulane 34

UTEP 44 Tulane 7

Army is 2-4 and UTEP 3-3. We are 4-2 but we've just got to become a better football team than this.

So, what you're saying is that Syracuse's defense got burned on some long plays (mostly in the 1st half, played better in the second half after halftime adjustments) more than Army and UTEP.

Syracuse scored 37 points in the game.

Here's another couple of scores...

Tulsa 31 Tulane 3
#6 OKST 59 Tulsa 33

Does this mean that Tulane has a better defense than #6 OKST because they gave up 2 fewer points vs. Tulsa?

SWC75, I respect and enjoy your posts, but in my opinion comparing scores is a somewhat meaningless exercise... as someone else already pointed out, we beat Wake Forest who beat Florida State... does that mean we're better than Florida State? We beat Toledo, who trounced Temple, who dominated Penn State but lost at the end... does that mean we're better than Penn State?

Clearly, we are a very inconsistent team on Offense, Defense, and Special Teams and tend to play up or down to our level of competition... we don't have the killer instinct (see Rutgers, Tulane, and URI games) and we haven't put together a complete game yet in all 3 phases, but have still managed to win 4 games (and missed a huge opportunity to win a 5th game against Rutgers). I think this is the real story of the season.
That is a cop-out excuse! Especially with THIS YEARS SU team. SU has played poor in every game this year. This "playing down" to the competition is a nice sound-bite to say to your friends at the bar or at the office, but its total BS on every level.

What game has SU played "up" in to give us the other side? And don't say USC because Syracuse did not play well vs USC.

Syracuse played "up" when they needed to in the second half against Wake Forest, who is turning out to be a pretty good team. Playing inconsistently within each game on Offense, Defense, and Special Teams is probably a better way to put it. Syracuse has not come out and played a solid game in all 3 phases for an entire game yet this year, yet they've still managed to win 4 games and gave another away (Rutgers).
Syracuse played "up" when they needed to in the second half against Wake Forest, who is turning out to be a pretty good team.

Wake Forest had their backup QB in when they made that comeback. That isn't playing up to anything!!! Who do you think you are kidding with that nonsense! Please!
Can we stop using the transitive property to try and prove a point that can't even be made? USF beats ND ... then gets hammered by Pitt who loses to ND ... it just doesn't apply and if this season has taught you anything its that you can't imply victory or defeat based on who beats who and by how much.
did the back up qb play defense?

You live in a fantasy world bro! Seriously, take off the ORANGE GLASSES and be honest with what really happened in that game.
Army 45 Tulane 6

Syracuse 37 Tulane 34

UTEP 44 Tulane 7

Army is 2-4 and UTEP 3-3. We are 4-2 but we've just got to become a better football team than this.
Not sure why people don't get that you can't play the transitivity game. The year JMU beat VT, you could play that game and arrive at the conclusion that JMU was the best team in the country. It's about talent and scheme, yes. But it's also about matchups and individual play calls and formations.

Or do you mean legit point?

I meant what you thought I meant -- its utter nonsense. You will make your head spin if you go around the country comparing point differentials between teams and try to determine what it means going forward. Maryland lost to Temple by 30 and almost beat Clemson. Temple lost to Toledo by 30. I guess that looks pretty good for us now doesn't it.

Its all so ridiculous. We're 4-2, a middling football team (based upon on the field play), and we have a chance to win 3 or 4 more games because the rest of our conference sucks so bad.
Can we stop using the transitive property to try and prove a point that can't even be made? USF beats ND ... then gets hammered by Pitt who loses to ND ... it just doesn't apply and if this season has taught you anything its that you can't imply victory or defeat based on who beats who and by how much.

Thank you --this is an absurd thread. Does anybody on this board watch any other non-Syracuse football? College football is flat-out nutty and you certainly can't go around looking at scores of games to predict future outcomes with any measure of accuracy.

Virginia went to overtime with Idaho at home (who has 1 win) and just beat an undefeated Georgia Tech team. College football rarely makes much sense from week to week, especially outside the elite top 10 teams.
Not sure why people don't get that you can't play the transitivity game. The year JMU beat VT, you could play that game and arrive at the conclusion that JMU was the best team in the country. It's about talent and scheme, yes. But it's also about matchups and individual play calls and formations.

Syracuse > Toledo > Temple > Maryland > Miami > Ohio State > Illinois > Arizona State > USC > Syracuse

Mind blown!
Syracuse > Toledo > Temple > Maryland > Miami > Ohio State > Illinois > Arizona State > USC > Syracuse

Mind blown!

The 8 degrees of Kevin Bacon strike again :)
Syracuse > Toledo > Temple > Maryland > Miami > Ohio State > Illinois > Arizona State > USC > Syracuse

Mind blown!
Nice! Fringe-like...
In the other universe, we're 5-1, with our only loss to the defending National Champs ... Rutgers.

6 - 0, if we had Chandler Jones we would have won that game.

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