And I love the way they’ve handled the Breaking Bad “Easter eggs”. There’s a ton of them, especially now as the time progresses to the Breaking Bad time period, but they never feel forced or pointless. These writers are so good at pulling everything together.
When this series got announced, I wasn't that interested. I thought that Breaking Bad was great, and I figured that the "universe" of the show had nowhere to go but down. Plus, how could Saul carry a show?
When I heard that it was going to be in the past, about Jimmy's history, I didn't think the concept was that compelling.
Which is why I let the first season DVR, and didn't even watch until the show was 8 or 9 episodes in. I just wasn't that interested in getting started. Finally, when my wife was out of town and I had a quiet night with no plans, I begrudgingly watched the first episode, thinking that I'd just delete them all if I didn't like it. My initial reaction was: the easter eggs [Tuco factored heavily into the first episode or two] were going to be too over the top.
Then I watched the second episode. Then the third.
I ended up binge watching it over two days, and then I was happy that I let them build up in my DVR so I could watch the majority of the season all at once. Each season has been better than the last, frankly, in no small part due to the terrific performances of the cast. Michael McKeon brought a lot of depth to Jimmy's brother, and all of the HHR cast [despite not being part of the original show] really round out Jimmy's transformation from an eager-to-please younger brother trying to do the right thing to Saul.
Although we know that the story is finite, it will be interesting to see how they connect it all back to his future as the Cinnabon manager. I have a feeling that like Mike in BB, Jimmy has a reckoning coming.