Postgame thoughts.. | Page 8 |

Postgame thoughts..

We could get away with that "Buddy at the bottom of the zone" stuff against a Patriot League team, or whatever league they're from, Yankee Conference, Northeast Teachers Schools, whatever.

That stuff don't fly against anybody decent.

Jim, wake the hell up. That was pure bull tonight. If you can't be a real coach to your kid, it's time to quit.

Bob Knight never gave this kind of preferential treatment to his kid.

Cut the crap right now. You just lost 3 guards last year over this same damn thing. You just saw that other kids on the team are better at other things that Buddy can't do.

This is a way over the top reaction to a surprisingly slim win against a team that we literally scheduled for the sole purpose of staying fresh so we don't lose to Buffalo. Oh, and none of those three guards did anything to prove themselves when they were in the games.
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At this point I’m starting to wonder if Dior said screw it I’m not wasting time playing second fiddle to the coach’s son.
At this point I’m starting to wonder if Dior said screw it I’m not wasting time playing second fiddle to the coach’s son.

Yes I'm sure the thought of Buddy triggered every decision and everything that has happened in Dior's life the past couple years. That's good stuff. You should call into Brent Axe with that take. If Syracuse talk radio callers are about the same "quality" as KC, they should enjoy that take.
We could get away with that "Buddy at the bottom of the zone" stuff against a Patriot League team, or whatever league they're from, Yankee Conference, Northeast Teachers Schools, whatever.

That stuff don't fly against anybody decent.

Jim, wake the hell up. That was pure bull tonight. If you can't be a real coach to your kid, it's time to quit.

Bob Knight never gave this kind of preferential treatment to his kid.

Uh, Pat Knight played all 31 games with 3 starts his senior year for an Indiana team that went 11-7 in the Big Ten.

He averaged 14 minutes a game and shot an abominable .268 from the field.

I don’t think Bob Knight is the paragon of anti-nepotism you think he is.
Buddy missed games due to qtine and needs to get back up to game speed. That game had the feel of a first round tournament game where an unknown well coached small conference team with good talent plays a name team in the middle of the afternoon in an empty arena. They were hot from 3, SU was cold from 3, seen it many times. Also the dome is so quiet without fans, maybe they can play music or something to give the guys some energy.
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It's amazing how angry people are over the coach's kid coming here and playing. In the history of the three-point shot at Syracuse, we've had the following players shoot 37% for a season from three while making at least 69 threes in a season (why 69? B/c I wanted to include Janulis and Greg Monroe, but also because it's roughly 2 made 3s per game):

Matt Roe -- 2x
Greg Monroe
Demetris Nichols
Andy Rautins
Andrew White
James Southerland
Marius Janulis
Shump 2x
Hughes (if you round up)

That's 13 players and 15 seasons in in 34 years and of that crew, the only to make more than Buddy's 97 threes last year were GMac (105), White (112), Rautins (98) and Nichols (100).

The three players we lost were Goodine (averaging 10 mpg and 2 points at PC), Howard Washington, who has yet to play at South Alabama and Jalen Carey who's putting up 9 ppg at Rhode Island, but has yet to make a three and has a .3/2.2 assist/TO ratio.

While I like kadary a lot, he made 0 FGs tonight and is still figuring some things out offensively.

In an ideal world we have a roster where buddy plays 25 mpg and stretches the floor with his shooting, but this whole bit about how he only plays b/c he's the coach's kid is so ridiculous.

Im with you generally. Buddy is a great shooter and a good player and he should be the starting 2 guard who plays a lot. In most games, I’d have no issue with him playing 34 minutes.

But he stunk last night. Gotta think if Griffin was playing good, Buddy would’ve sat at the end. JB was picking between two guys having terrible games, so not that big of a deal.

Even with Kadary not making any FG’s...he still got to the line and hit 5/6 FTs. Had a couple nice drives to the hoop which is a nonexistent element from our guards when he’s out of the game. Thought we played noticeably better on both ends of the court when he was in.
I couldn't see much because my feed wouldn't go full screen, but how did Woody look running? Any ill effects from his injury the other night? Was it discussed at the presser?
It's amazing how angry people are over the coach's kid coming here and playing.

In an ideal world we have a roster where buddy plays 25 mpg and stretches the floor with his shooting, but this whole bit about how he only plays b/c he's the coach's kid is so ridiculous.

Excuse me, but you need to read better, or maybe you don't know my series of posts.
When Buddy was a frosh and started his career 1-22 or something like that, I was among his first defenders, saying "Buddy has great form, he's going to win games for us this year. Give him some time."

I am also on record, many times, saying Buddy is an elite shooter. His dad doesn't have to PROVE that to anyone. Everyone knows Buddy's got game.

But if you have been watching, there was no reason in hell Buddy should be playing 35 minutes every night. Especially when he's having a terrible game and there are other legitimate options on the bench.

If Buddy - OR ANY PLAYER - is having a crap game, they need to sit for a while. Every coach at every level of the game seems to know this, if you ever watch any basketball other than Syracuse, or if you have ever played the game, or coached the game.

If a kid is having a bad game, you don't usually keep playing them. Buddy is being undermined by his Dad. Buddy is a legit player who could help a team win a championship, but Buddy is not an All American. Buddy is a very very good college player, but he's not Steph Curry. He's not Klay Thompson.

So treat him like a MEMBER OF THE TEAM, not your goddamn son.
Excuse me, but you need to read better, or maybe you don't know my series of posts.
When Buddy was a frosh and started his career 1-22 or something like that, I was among his first defenders, saying "Buddy has great form, he's going to win games for us this year. Give him some time."

I am also on record, many times, saying Buddy is an elite shooter. His dad doesn't have to PROVE that to anyone. Everyone knows Buddy's got game.

But if you have been watching, there was no reason in hell Buddy should be playing 35 minutes every night. Especially when he's having a terrible game and there are other legitimate options on the bench.

If Buddy - OR ANY PLAYER - is having a crap game, they need to sit for a while. Every coach at every level of the game seems to know this, if you ever watch any basketball other than Syracuse, or if you have ever played the game, or coached the game.

If a kid is having a bad game, you don't usually keep playing them. Buddy is being undermined by his Dad. Buddy is a legit player who could help a team win a championship, but Buddy is not an All American. Buddy is a very very good college player, but he's not Steph Curry. He's not Klay Thompson.

So treat him like a MEMBER OF THE TEAM, not your goddamn son.

What was the option he was supposed to go to? Both Griff and Buddy came out for I believe around 7 mins in the first half -- maybe a little shorter than that. Then with around 9 mins left he made the call to go get griff and ride with that unit. They were +9 in that stretch.

Brutal game for Buddy. He's also not a kid, I agree, that has to be out there for 35-40 every game. That said, I'm not sure where you're seeing all these options? You know Woody would have been better in that stretch in a tight game? I'm not saying that's wrong, simply saying JB's feeling, I'm guessing, is that he's not quite comfortable with that yet. Howard Washington, Brycen and Jalen weren't the answer last year (and Jalen wasn't available).

Bottom line is Griff is going to be better and have a big year. Buddy will likely play a ton of minutes as well. I'm not sure either of those is the wrong decision. We shall see I suppose.
What was the option he was supposed to go to? Both Griff and Buddy came out for I believe around 7 mins in the first half -- maybe a little shorter than that. Then with around 9 mins left he made the call to go get griff and ride with that unit. They were +9 in that stretch.

Brutal game for Buddy. He's also not a kid, I agree, that has to be out there for 35-40 every game. That said, I'm not sure where you're seeing all these options? You know Woody would have been better in that stretch in a tight game? I'm not saying that's wrong, simply saying JB's feeling, I'm guessing, is that he's not quite comfortable with that yet. Howard Washington, Brycen and Jalen weren't the answer last year (and Jalen wasn't available).

Bottom line is Griff is going to be better and have a big year. Buddy will likely play a ton of minutes as well. I'm not sure either of those is the wrong decision. We shall see I suppose.

Buddy played 34 minutes and went 1-12. Sure, you can make an argument to play him down the stretch, but not for the whole damn game.

But "Where are the options?" Have you not been watching?

Woody only played 7 minutes, if you want to roll the dice with another shooter because Joe (2-9 from 3) and Alan Griffin (0-4) were cold. You could have given Alan Griffin another shot in the second half after his poor start.

You could have played Kadary more than 18 minutes, since the team's offensive flow was better with him in there. Joe Girard could have sat a couple minutes in the first half.

Options exist. But Boeheim is going to coach this team like it's grade school ball, where the coach's kid is always on the team.
I think what were seeing is in your face man to man defense (Bryant, Rutgers, NE) gives this team fits. That will be the scouting report moving forward. To me this benefits Q, Marek, and Kadary the most. And BB, JG and AG will struggle, BB and JG for obvious reasons and AG we're told hasn't yet developed that part of his game.

to beat that style of defense they will have to set better screens, move without the ball, an look to go back door on the overplay, plus dribble drive penetration that Kadary brings to the table.

to yesterday, AG's carelessness and effort is what drew JB's ire. I mean guys like Cooney, Scoop, and T Roberts used to drive us crazy, but they played hard and stayed on the court cause of effort and hustle. just my 2 cents
RE: the offense, yesterday seemed like we went back mostly to the iso/pick and roll offense we've seen for years, except now we don't have any iso players like Hughes or Battle on the roster. Even when the offense struggled against Rutgers, I saw some very nice passing plays that lead to easy buckets against a solid defense.

Was hoping to see Kadary/Buddy play together yesterday but I don't think they played a minute.
RE: the offense, yesterday seemed like we went back mostly to the iso/pick and roll offense we've seen for years, except now we don't have any iso players like Hughes or Battle on the roster. Even when the offense struggled against Rutgers, I saw some very nice passing plays that lead to easy buckets against a solid defense.

Was hoping to see Kadary/Buddy play together yesterday but I don't think they played a minute.

They definitely did play together. Girard was out of the game and came in for Griffin at the end.
I'm getting sick and tired of hearing, "Well, what other option does JB have on the bench other than having to play Buddy"? Last year we were told HoWash, Goodine, even Braswell before he got hurt, were simply "not ready", so thats why Buddy needed to play 38 mins per game. Fair enough.
However, those guys bailed after getting the clear message that PT was NOT happening in this rotation, and Bras almost did as well. This year we're getting the "same isht, different day" treatment and are again hearing justifications for why Buddy "needed" to play, despite shooting like regurgitated horse manure. And this year, there are OBVIOUS alternatives on the team.
Again, I'm not drinking the nepotism Kool-Aid quite yet, and I'm just as upset by JG3's extended PT as well. But its getting kinda ludicrous to keep having this same conversation about short benches and substitution patterns. Just sayin...
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We could get away with that "Buddy at the bottom of the zone" stuff against a Patriot League team, or whatever league they're from, Yankee Conference, Northeast Teachers Schools, whatever.

That stuff don't fly against anybody decent.

Jim, wake the hell up. That was pure bull tonight. If you can't be a real coach to your kid, it's time to quit.

Bob Knight never gave this kind of preferential treatment to his kid.

Cut the crap right now. You just lost 3 guards last year over this same damn thing. You just saw that other kids on the team are better at other things that Buddy can't do.

LOL this post is ridiculous. At the end of your pathetic rant you say in all caps your here to win the game. JBs coaching yesterday did just that, he won the game. He had a choice to play Buddy, Alan or Woody. Alan was out of the question after he got a carrying violation being guarded by air. Woody could have come in but he missed a few defensive rotations earlier and most likely JB doesn’t trust him in crunch time mins just yet so he went with the player who had been in our system for three years and who can get hot in a matter of seconds. It’s crazy to think ppl can’t seem to understand this. Your whining is ridiculous, JUST WIN THE GAME, as his substitutions ended up doing that for us lol.

Also, the three guards we lost are nowhere near as good as Kadary, they saw the writing on the wall and quite frankly we are better without them. Buddy, Kadary and JG3 are much better than anything we lost. It’s another thing I can’t believe ppl are still so hung up on. Like did none of you watch us play last year, those guys did nothing.
I'm getting sick and tired of hearing, "Well, what other option does JB have on the bench other than having to play Buddy"? Last year we were told HoWash, Goodine, even Braswell before he got hurt, were simply "not ready", so thats why Buddy needed to play 38 mins per game. Fair enough.
However, those guys bailed after getting the clear message that PT was NOT happening in this rotation, and Bras almost did as well. This year we're getting the "same isht, different day" treatment and are again hearing justifications for why Buddy "needed" to play, despite shooting like regurgitated horse manure. And this year, there are OBVIOUS alternatives on the team.
Again, I'm not drinking the nepotism Kool-Aid quite yet, and I'm just as upset by JG3's extended PT as well. But its getting kinda ludicrous to keep having this same conversation about short benches and substitution patterns. Just sayin...

Another clown post. As it’s been mentioned above, He had a choice to play Buddy, Alan or Woody. Alan was out of the question after he got a carrying violation being guarded by air. Woody could have come in but he missed a few defensive rotations earlier and most likely JB doesn’t trust him in crunch time mins just yet so he went with the player who had been in our system for three years and who can get hot in a matter of seconds. He made the right call because that lineup played the rest of the game and won it for us. It’s the same BS comments from the same BS posters who clearly have an axe to grind with JB. None of you were anywhere to be seen after Saturday’s game but the first chance you can to attack Buddy or JB you pounce on it even after we won with pathetic comments that show you don’t have any idea what your talking about. Going forward I won’t be responding anymore to you trolls because I’ve come to realize you clearly have an agenda and no matter what happens you’ll continue to be trolls.
Im with you generally. Buddy is a great shooter and a good player and he should be the starting 2 guard who plays a lot. In most games, I’d have no issue with him playing 34 minutes.

But he stunk last night. Gotta think if Griffin was playing good, Buddy would’ve sat at the end. JB was picking between two guys having terrible games, so not that big of a deal.

Even with Kadary not making any FG’s...he still got to the line and hit 5/6 FTs. Had a couple nice drives to the hoop which is a nonexistent element from our guards when he’s out of the game. Thought we played noticeably better on both ends of the court when he was in.
Buddy blew last night he was terrible. He brought nothing but negatives all night. He needed to sit.

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